You Knew This Was Going To Happen, So It’s Nice They Got It Done So Soon
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
White House Easter Egg Roll.
How self-absorbed can a man be? Trump takes a kid’s hat, signs it, and then tosses it into the crowd.
Sumbitch. Why would you do that to a kid?
If you have a Twitter account, Politico has a tape showing that he did it twice.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
So the New York Times has an article today ‘splainin’ why Neil Gorsuch might find it easier than most new Supreme Court Justices to find his voice and “be heard” right way.
Two things: (1) his winkie, and (2) his crazy.
Crazy first.
“Conservatives interrupt liberals at significantly higher rates than liberals interrupt conservatives,” the study, to be published in The Virginia Law Review, found.
“Interruptions are generally considered an aspect of dominance, and the conservatives feel dominant over the liberals. With Gorsuch entering the court, that’s going to reinforce that tendency.”
Which, of course, falls into the No Shoot, Sherlock department of news. Conservatives are rude people who need to display their dominance like some baboon in the zoo.
And now his winkie.
And male justices, perhaps not surprisingly, interrupt female justices far more often than the other way around. “Even though female justices speak less often and use fewer words than male justices,” the study found, “they are nonetheless interrupted during oral argument at a significantly higher rate.”
The study considered 7,239 interruptions in arguments from 2004 to 2015. Of those, 32 percent were of women, and just 4 percent were by women.
I think Ruth Bader Ginsberg ought to whack that sucker upside the head with her gavel a couple of times and let him know that there are women on the court who ain’t putting up with his Trump’s new golden boy status for one damn minute.
The guy who did the study offered this —
“I don’t think that a lot of men notice that they’re doing this,” Professor Jacobi said.
Oh yeah, right. Yeah, there you go. They just can’t help themselves.
An accidental shooting in a Walmart just north of Houston caught my attention last week and I made a note to check up on it because the original story didn’t have much information other than accidental shots were fired inside a Walmart.
So, I Googled it today to see if there’s more information about how the hell that happened. I put “shooting Walmart” in the Google machine because I wasn’t sure which town it would be identified with – The Woodlands, Conroe, Halfway to Dallas, you know how we describe geographic locations in Texas.
Here’s what I discovered: the most dangerous place on earth is inside a Walmart.
There’s 299,000 results.
Do not go to Walmart. Apparently, they hold target practice there.
So, I finally found what happened in the Texas Walmart —
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Texas – Deputies are investigating after a man accidentally dropped his loaded gun inside a Woodlands-area Walmart store, firing a gunshot.
There were no injuries.
The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office says the man is reportedly a retired Houston police officer who has a Concealed Handgun License.
Retired cop. Slippery hands. Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.
Okay, if you’re not following Louise Mensch’s blog and twitter account, you are missing what is either the scoop of the century or the best James Bond thriller ever. I don’t know which but its worth your time.
Sources with links to the intelligence community say it is believed that Carter Page went to Moscow in early July carrying with him a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin. In exchange, Page was authorized directly by Trump to request the help of the Russian government in hacking the election.
If she’s right (more about her here), then this thing’s gonna blow like Miles Davis with a two ton trumpet.
Pete Souza has been called “King of Instagram Shade” by Politico. He’s the former White House photographer.
For the past few months, Souza has used his personal Instagram account to post photos from the Obama administration that seem, or he admits are, deliberately timed to a make a point about whatever Trump story has overtaken the news cycle.