Archive for March, 2017

Big Bend Border Wall? Stupid.

March 16, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches, Trump

Cheeto Jesus is apparently eying Big Bend National Park for his border wall because it’s federal land.  The problem is that God already beat him to it:

Apparently to our, uh… (urp) president, if he can’t see it from Cheeto Tower, it’s all flat to him.


The Fourth Estate Stands Up On Its Hind Legs

March 16, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts

One gratifying shift we’ve seen in the chaos since January 20th is the rejuvenation of the Fourth Estate – the press.  In the last 20 years we’ve seen the press devolve into the 24 hour news cycle, infotainment, and simply blatant partisanship which willfully misinforms the electorate.  At the same time, that same electorate has become less and less engaged, seemingly divorced from reality and facts.  American Idol and The Voice get higher participation than elections that actually matter.  The election of the worst candidate for the presidency in US history has changed that.  His withering attacks on facts, truth, decency, compassion, AND the press have finally awoken a sleeping giant.  Major news outlets have geared up and are actually digging for the facts, digging for the dirt, going after lies and the liars who speak them, and aggressively fact checking.

My response to this?  It’s about goddam time (sorry Momma).  Where the hell have you all been (besides working on your SEO and re-marketing strategy)?  To demonstrate this awakening, The Washington Post recently altered their longstanding logo, to wit:

During the Oscars broadcast, The New York Times aired its The Truth is Hard ad, which is powerful:

Even Fox Noise has backed off of at least some of its perpetual GOP cheerleading.

The result of the press waking up is that our system of government has begun to actually function again.  Cheeto Jesus stupidly accuses President Obama of wiretapping him (on Twitter), and the press relentless pursues the story until even HE admitted he got that BS story from Brett Baier of Fox Noise.  He claims that busloads of fraudulent Massachusetts voters went to New Hampshire to commit voter fraud, and the press runs down the facts exposing that as false.  Now, I’m not naive; even an army of reporters would be hard pressed to run down every one of CJ’s lies since he spews a bushel basket full on a daily basis, but with a functioning press, his big lies are quickly debunked, or at least vigorously challenged.  So, instead of spewing more lies and misinformation at the daily press brief, all of Sean Spicer’s time is spent answering a barrage of questions about his boss’s most recent incendiary lie.

As ugly as this is, our republic is still hanging together.  And it’s critical to our survival.  With the rise of the alt-right propaganda machine, the actual Fourth Estate must continue to beat back lies with truth.


Okay, Fess Up. Who Did This?

March 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, quit messing with Louie Gohmert’s Wikipedia page. Seriously, y’all. It’s upsetting him.

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert’s Wikipedia page was hacked on Wednesday, with the hacker altering the page to ask if he even had the capacity to serve.

The introduction part of Gohmert’s page was rewritten to say “Gohmert also prides himself on being the stupidest member of Congress.”

He’s not the stupidest person in Congress.  After all, he is a graduate of Baylor Law School and a former district court judge.  However, he is the damn goofiest member of congress.  Please keep that straight.

Honey, to be honest, you don’t need to decorate his wiki page with statements like that – just read his page and be covered in the awesome wonderfulness of goofy pride.

Sample –

Despite being an advocate for gun rights and supporting a proposal that allows mentally ill individuals to possess firearms, in early 2017 Gohmert expressed fear that he might become the target of gun violence similar to that experienced by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and refused to hold public town hall meetings.

Or –

In a 2012 meeting of the House Natural Resources Committee, Gohmert stated his strong support of a trans-Alaskan pipeline, as a means for caribou to have more sex.

Head on over and find your personal favorite.

Thanks to Steve V for the heads up.

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And, Again, Trump Doesn’t Have Any Idea What That Word Means

March 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this week two additional federal judges ruled against Trump’s immigration plan.

Trump’s statement?

“This is, in the opinion of many, an unprecedented judicial overreach. … This ruling makes us look weak,” the president declared before appearing to vow to take the issue to the Supreme Court.

Thing #1:  Uh, it’s not unprecedented and do you want to know why?  Because a judge ruled against it two weeks ago. To be unprecedented, it has to have never happened before.

But then again, maybe he meant unpresidented.  Yeah, he probably did mean that.

Thing #2:  Makes “us” look weak?  No, Honey, it makes you look weak. It makes you look like you make crazybutt statements and promises that you cannot keep because you’re weak.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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March 16, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

As I was reading the headlines this morning I kept uttering “My God,” over and over.  Here are the headlines in the Washington Post just today (Note: I refuse to use his name; these are actual headlines, not mine):

Trump’s budget seeks deep cuts

Plan calls for reductions in spending for science, diplomacy and the poor

In Trump’s first fiscal blueprint, echoes of Reagan ’81

Trump seeks $1.5 billion to start building border wall. Key GOP senators are skeptical.

Federal judge halts Trump travel ban hours before it was to take effect

Trump admits his Obama wiretapping accusations were based on some news reports, not solid evidence

Tillerson says diplomacy with North Korea has ‘failed,’ time for new approach

Grassley accuses Justice Department officials of withholding information in Trump-Russia probe

GOP lawmakers expected to propose revisions to health plan

Finally, some good news: Dutch anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders fizzles in elections

The ONLY word that can describe what’s going on in Washington is CHAOS.  We have a combed over spray tanned bully wreaking havoc on our government, on our press, on our former president, on our society, and on common decency.  In response to this rolling train wreck of an administration, a new commercial effort has sprung up and I was one of the first to buy:

If the acronym is not obvious, it stands for Impeach The M….F…. Already.

Sorry, Momma.



Dismantling “the Administrative State”

March 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches, Trump

The White House just announced that Cheeto Jesus will be unveiling his new budget priorities tomorrow which include slashing the EPA budget by 31% and the State Department by 28%.  Son of Jabba the Hut, known as Steve Bannon to non-aliens, said this was part of CJ’s efforts to “dismantle the administrative state.”

Funny they bring up the State Department…A couple of weeks ago, I was in Canada for a meeting; stupidly I had let my passport expire at the end of the month, so to make it easier to get back into the states the following week, I decided to just go to a US Consulate and get an emergency renewal.  I called the US Consulates in Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, and even Houston.  I called no less than 10 times, never got a human, and never got a call back to my numerous messages.  In the end, I was able to talk my way back in since I am part of Global Entry.  The customs agent was actually pretty cool, said it happened all the time, and signed me through.

When I got back to Houston, I called the US Passport office to get an appointment to renew – and called and called and called.  So, far, no call back, no one answering the phones here, either.  So, I’ve got a great idea, why don’t we slash the State Department budget  so services to citizens will suck even MORE?

Oh, I left out the good part about CJ’s plan – he’s going to take the savings and reduce the deficit build more war machines.  After all, spending half of our discretionary spending on war making simply isn’t enough.

Jesus.  No, really.  Jesus.