Archive for February, 2017

So Then We’ll Make Abbott Wear a Bonnet With Bows On It

February 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has gotten himself into a street fight with the NFL.

Yeah, start your eyes rolling now because it gets worse.

The NFL has warned Texas that if they pass the “Show Me What You Pee With” bathroom bill, another Super Bowl in Texas might be “out of the question.”

Abbott shook his finger at the NFL (literally, he shook his finger) and said that if they are going to be that way about it, he will “force football players to stand for the national anthem.”  And if they don’t stand, he will boo them.  Because that’s the only tool he’s got to enforce that.

Once Abbott’s people discovered that his threat carried about as much weight as a hungry pissant, they decided that he was “only kidding.”

Abbott, who has studied at the knee of Donald Trump, now says he was making a statement about the NFL.

“It was intentional hyperbole to make a point: demonstrating the NFL’s own shortcoming of how they are disconnecting with their fan base by allowing players to disrespect the U.S. flag,”

Yes, mind the flag and shred the constitution.  Welcome to Republicanland.


UPDATED: Welcome to the Big Leagues, Sonny.

February 18, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Updated for new link.  Jared Kushner is using his position as son-in-law to SCROTUS to complain to CNN about its coverage.  Welcome to the big leagues, sonny.



February 18, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Politico broke a story today about how Trump is shredding every last ounce of dignity from the Oval Office.

An audiotape has been released from last fall.  Trump is promising people who give $200,000 to join Trump’s resort a front row seat to history.

“We’re doing a lot of interviews tomorrow — generals, dictators, we have everything. You may wanna come around. It’ll be fun. We’re really working tomorrow. We have meetings every 15, 20 minutes with different people that will form our government.”

And then there are the “special people.”

Turning to a longtime club member that night, he said: “We were just talking about who we [are] going to pick for the FCC, who [are] we going to pick for this, who we gonna accept — boy, can you give me some recommendations?”

The supportive crowd ate it up as the relaxed Trump, in his element, gave them a close-up view of how he was setting up the government. “You are the special people,” he told the crowd of about 100 members, who mingled around a sushi station served by a waiter wearing a camouflage “Make America Great Again” cap.

Yep, and middle class Trump supporters believed him when he said he was working for them.  Well, boys, “the special people” are gonna eat you for dinner.



Weekend Smile

February 17, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Tom let me in on an email he sent his kids.  He gave me permission to share it.

Hey guys!

Just to let you know, this morning, right here in San Angelo, I came up just behind an old pickup truck, driven by an older white guy. Painted in large block letters on his back window was this: IMPEACH THE MANIAC!

I followed along a ways, hoping he would pull into some area where I could meet him. Alas, no luck.

I see we have found an expression for further use: Kremlingate.

Carry on, DAD

Honey, I would pay cash American money for a picture of that.


Weekend Fun Times

February 17, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Daily Show has a little dohicky that makes all of Trump’s tweets look like they were written by an 8 year old.  Because they were.

Click right here to have a little fun!

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

Holy Cow

February 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a crazy man in the White House.

If you missed Trump’s press conference, I have no idea how to tell you about it except how delusional he was. He said his office was not in chaos, it is a well-oiled machine.

He asked the only black person he knows – a reporter – to set up a meeting between him and Elijah Cummings – the only black congressman he knows.

He said that Obama left him a mess and that Hillary Clinton treats Russia far better than he does.  And that he did not direct Mike Flynn to call Russia to talk about the sanctions the day after President Obama put them in place, but that “I would have.”

CNN’s John King: A *Republican* senator texted him “He should do this with a therapist, not on live television!”

There is a crazy man in the White House.