Archive for February, 2017

Translation by Sean Spicer’s Translation Services and Sushi Bar

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, today Donald Trump said that his administration’s enforcement of its deportation policy is “a military operation.”

That’s not good.

So, Spicer had to jump up and talk real loud hoping that people would forget what Trump said.

Didn’t work with squat.

Spicer tried again.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Thursday that President Donald Trump was using the word “military” as an “adjective” to describe deportations carried out under his administration.

“The President was using that as an adjective. It’s happening with precision and in a manner in which it’s being done very, very clearly,” Spicer told reporters at his press briefing.

He claimed Trump meant to describe how deportations are being carried out “in a very streamlined and efficient manner.”

I dunno. From what I’ve seen, the military leaves a path of destruction wherever it goes, which is what they are trained to do.

I think synonyms for using “military” as an adjective would be cluster****.  Or FUBAR.

Look, here’s the deal.  Donald Trump cannot wait to see tanks rolling through San Antonio, Texas.

And the today Jeff Sessions overruled a ruling by Sally Yates that the Feds would not use private prisons.

Why do I think they are aiming toward detention centers?

No one is safe during a CPAP convention.

(Forgive the typos and formatting.  I am working from my iPad and it hates me.)

I Am A Tad Nervous

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so today Steve Bannon spoke at CPAC and reassured everybody that everything is hunky dory at the White House.  Really.  Seriously. Just fine. Fit as a fiddle.

Bannon, along with White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, spoke Thursday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in their latest attempt to dispel notions that they are combative rivals fighting for power in the West Wing.

“I can run a little hot,” Bannon said. “The only way this thing works is that Reince is very steady.”

Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap.

Are you telling me that the only thing standing between me and total nuclear Armageddon is Reinse Priebus?

We’re gonna all die.


Where’s Manafort?

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Pam frets daily about Paul Manafort.  Where the hell is he, she wants to know.  She firmly believes that man is the key to something big.

I kinda dismissed it all because I am already overwhelmed with trying to figure this crap out.


She might be right.

A purported cyberhack of the daughter of political consultant Paul Manafort suggests that he was the victim of a blackmail attempt while he was serving as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign chairman last summer.

The undated communications, which are allegedly from the iPhone of Manafort’s daughter, include a text that appears to come from a Ukrainian parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko, seeking to reach her father, in which he claims to have politically damaging information about both Manafort and Trump.

Honey, this reads like a spy novel.


Da Pope.

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, he said that and I suspect it goes for Baptists and Methodists, too.

“There are those who say ‘I am very Catholic, I always go to Mass, I belong to this and that association’,” the head of the 1.2 billion-member Roman Catholic Church said, according to a Vatican Radio transcript.

He said that some of these people should also say “‘my life is not Christian, I don’t pay my employees proper salaries, I exploit people, I do dirty business, I launder money, (I lead) a double life’.”

Honey, that ain’t just good, that’s chicken-fried good!

Are Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, Chris Christie, Clarence Thomas, and Paul Ryan paying attention?

Do you want to know who the hypocrite Catholics are?  Well, they’ll tell you who they are by condemning this statement.

I wonder if it’s better to be a agnostic than a hypocritical atheist?


I Guess Louie Needs to Pray More Often

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert is refusing to do town halls out in east Texas.  Do you want to know why?  He doesn’t want you to get shot.

“At this time there are groups from the more violent strains of the leftist ideology, some even being paid, who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety,” Gohmert said in a statement.

“Threats are nothing new to me and I have gotten my share as a felony judge. However, the House Sergeant at Arms advised us after former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot at a public appearance, that civilian attendees at Congressional public events stand the most chance of being harmed or killed—just as happened there.”

There’s a couple of bean dip dumb things about that statement.

First off, Gohmert has voted against every sensible piece of gun legislation in the seven years since Giffords was shot.  If he is concerned about your safety, ‘plain that.

Second off, Gohmert has attended every damn gun fetish and Come-And-Take-It flag waving tea party demonstration in this whole country.  And he’s scared of some kale-eating liberals?



Yeah, these really look like some bad hombres.

Third off, how come it’s perfectly safe for Louie to speak at the country club but not the high school cafeteria?

Y’all, Louie was not a “felony judge.” There is no such thing as a felony judge in Texas. So, if you see him, please refer to him as a so-called felony judge.  However, I admit it was a felony for his jerk to ever be a judge.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

It’s Time to Practice Our Irony Skills, Y’all.

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not want your irony skills to get rusty while we’re living in the Land of Alt Truth, so here ya go —


Now lemme see, who would that be?

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.