Archive for January, 2017

Now HERE’S a Candidate We Can All Support…But Be Careful

January 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Hillary


Yesterday, the New York Post floated Caroline Kennedy as a possible Senate candidate from New York in 2018 and possibly president in 2020.  Coming home after a successful Ambassadorship to Japan (and summarily fired by Cheeto Jesus on Friday), she is apparently weighing a Senate run and there is speculation she could run for president in 2020.  In the article, the Post said that she could be the “next Hillary Clinton, but without the Clinton baggage”.  For God’s sake, let’s not call her the “next Hillary”.  Talk about jinxing her before she ever gets started.

I know this is going to piss off my Hillary friends (hence the above warning), but the last thing we (more…)

Where’s the Outrage?

January 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

See the image above of Cheeto Jesus insulting the press and Democrats giving a speech to CIA staff on Saturday.  Notice anything missing?  That’s right, NO FLAG PIN.  I have been scouring the internets this morning, especially the right wing sites just hoping for the outrage to come spewing forth.  However, all I’m finding is this:

Can you imagine the howling if President Obama had left his flag pin at home?  Just like the silly calls for “unity” and “give the president a chance” mantras, the rules change radically for the right when their guy is in office.


UPDATED: And Now We Have Laugh Tracks

January 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Trump

UPDATED: CBS News has just reported that indeed Cheeto Jesus brought in about 40 of HIS supporters to Langley and packed the first three rows in front of the podium.  About 400 of thousands of CIA staffers came, and there indeed are some at CIA who support him.  The majority, though, were offended by his remarks and the consensus is that he made things worse, not better, despite the gaslighting by his supporters for the press pool cameras.

Did it strike you as odd that the press was laughing and applauding at Cheeto Jesus’s press conference at Cheeto Tower just before the inauguration?  Did it also strike you as even more odd when CIA staff did the same thing during his speech in front of the memorial for agents killed in the line of duty at Langley?  Me, too.


Texas Pride

January 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former Texas Governor George Bush had a fight with a plastic poncho at the inauguration.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has talent, too, by gosh.

New Energy Secretary Rick Perry found a way to stay busy during Donald Trump’s inauguration and the benedictions and prayers that went with it.

Perry, a former Texas governor, appears to have spent his time chewing gum and blowing bubbles.

The chewing can be seen in a video of a rabbi’s benediction during the ceremonies on Friday, Jan. 20, 2017. Brad Jaffy, an NBC news senior writer and producer, captured the clip and posted it on Twitter.


I’m so proud.

Chuck Todd Grows a Pair On Live Network Television

January 22, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Apologies to Juanita Jean for stepping all over her this morning.  Great minds do think alike, especially when in crisis.

In one of the most remarkable biological changes in the history of evolution ever witnessed, Chuck Todd of Meet The Press suddenly grew a pair this morning while interviewing Cheeto Jesus’s special advisor liar, Kellyanne Conway.  Todd, who loves the horserace of politics but typically ignores the BS spread by talking heads, underwent a sudden evolutionary change, which apparently gave him the constitution to call a liar a liar in the middle of her lies.

It was classic.

Oh, sorry, Momma.


Ego Snit Fits is Contagious, Y’all.

January 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You thought Trump’s speech to the CIA was wacky?  You thought Spicer’s press conference was the weirdest damn thing you’ve ever seen?

Oh no.  KellyAnne did women proud by beating both of them this morning.  I have new respect for Chuck Todd for trying to nail Jello to the wall.

“Alternative facts?” –

“We’re going to have to re-think our relationship here.” – Is she breaking up with Chuck?

“Don’t be overly dramatic.” – Holy damn cow.  Look who’s talking.  Did you see that press conference.

“You’re laughing at me.” – Honey, Honey, Honey, everybody is laughing at you.