Archive for January, 2017

Well, Boy Howdy

January 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, during James Comey’s hearing when he was asked if there was an investigation of Trump’s connections to Russia and he replied that the FBI never says whether or not there is an investigation, irony grew hair on it’s chest and melted through ten feet of hard Texas clay.

So, it can be nothing but good news that the Justice Department’s Inspector General will launch a probe into the behavior of the Justice Department and the FBI over the release of Comey’s investigation.

The probe, which comes in response to requests from numerous chairmen and ranking members of congressional oversight committees, will look into allegations that Director James B. Comey broke bureau policy with his various public disclosures regarding the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

This might be fun.


Texas Attorney General Goes to Trial. As the Defendant.

January 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The federal case against Texas AG Ken Paxton for securities fraud was put in hold when a judge pitched it out last year, but the Security and Exchange Commission refiled it.

However, he has three pending criminal cases in Texas and his days of postponing judgement day has run out.

Just hours ago, we learned that Paxton will go to trial on the state charges on May 1st.  Jury selection will be in mid to late April.  All this is right in the middle of the legislative session and when people are starting to file to run against him.

In the criminal case, Paxton faces three felony charges of breaking Texas securities law. If convicted, he could be sent to prison for five to 99 years.

Last year, Paxton exhausted his options in trying to put an end to the criminal case. The final blow came in October, when Texas’ highest criminal court declined to hear a Paxton appeal.

Miss Karma is in the green room filing her nails and considering her options. That makes me so happy.


Go Texas! Make Fools Proud!

January 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the guy who took Ron Paul’s place is outraged, outraged, I tell you that Jim Acosta be fired for being “disrespectable” to Donald Trump.


Randy Weber is such a great American that he called President Obama “Kommandant-In-Chef,” and more than once compared him to Hitler. He said Obama was siding with terrorists, and could not be trust with ebola because … Benghazi.

Yeah, we gotta keep an eye on people being disrespectful to Donald Trump.


There Are No Atheists in Foxholes or Hawkins, Texas

January 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so deep in the heart of East Texas lies the little town of Hawkins, Texas, population ’round about 1,300 folks.  Hawkins is in Wood County, a place where Donald Trump got 84% of the vote, which is slightly less than the 85% who voted for Louie Gohmert.  It ain’t a festering hotbed of liberalism. Hell, it ain’t even a rocking cradle of moderation.

Mark and Marie McDonald have a church there named the Jesus Christ Open Altar Church and they hold services once a month on the fourth Sunday.


I don’t know why they don’t meet every Sunday but I suspect the explanation has something to do with government, paranoia, and the gun club meetings.

Anyway, the McDonalds erected a huge ole sign that says Jesus Welcomes You To Hawkins.


All their signs are purple and gold and I have no clue why that is.  Probably football.  I dunno.

They erected this sign on the city easement and somebody got wind of that and next thing you know somebody is complaining.  The city told them they had to take it down. The McDonalds hired a lawyer who claimed they own the property. They don’t.

Well, have mercy, they are getting a new lawyer and starting all over again.  You wanna know why?


In city damn hall.

The atheists at city hall falsified the paperwork on the land easement and the McDonald’s own lawyer was in on this.

In a seven-page prepared statement released to the News-Journal, the couple said they’re being discriminated against by people in city government or working for the city who are atheists.

“Discrimination by the city which holds the atheist religion over our religion is not allowed by the law,” Marie McDonald said.

Holy cow, alert an archeologist – an adherent of the atheist religion has been found in East Texas and works at city hall.

Right now I’m trying to figure out why the McDonalds don’t just go nail themselves to that cross out front of their church and save the city a mess of court costs.


And in Other News…the Other Shoe

January 11, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Big news days yesterday and today.  The Cheetopalooza in front of the press was, in his own words, “a disgrace”.  While calling the intelligence dossier “fake news”, and unsubstantiated, he categorically denied it.  THEN, a BBC correspondent, Paul Wood, revealed that there is a SECOND source confirming the assertions in the report:

AND, in other well timed irony, the law firm advising CJ on his conflicts, by pure coincidink, is Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, which has been named “Russia Law Firm of the Year” for 2016 by law profession directory Chambers & Partners for its “high-profile” work in Russia.

It doesn’t get any better than this.  I’m popping popcorn.

Can you imagine how difficult it has been today for conservatives today to explain to their children the meaning of golden showers?  LOL!!!

(sorry, Momma)

Irony Fairy Arrives …

January 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a fire on the 13th floor of the Watergate —




Thanks to Deb for the heads up.