Archive for January, 2017

Filling the Swamp

January 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, well, well, Trump’s choice for Director of Health and Human Services seems to be one of the bigger alligators in the swamp.  And, damn, that animal is plenty hungry.

Price, as a congressman, purchases shares in a company that makes stuff of hip replacement operations, Zimmer Biomet.

Less than a week after the transaction, the Georgia Republican congressman introduced the HIP Act, legislation that would have delayed until 2018 a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services regulation that industry analysts warned would significantly hurt Zimmer Biomet financially once fully implemented.

Not only that but …

The Wall Street Journal reported last month that he traded roughly $300,000 in shares over the past four years in health companies while pursuing legislation that could impact them.

And then because alligators have really big appetites, Price needed more money so he sent a letter to CMS asking for a delay for the implementation of the new policy. And then …

Two days after the letter, Zimmer Biomet’s PAC cut Price’s reelection committee a check worth $1,000, according to campaign finance filings.

Three months after he introduced the bill, the company’s PAC cut Price’s campaign committee another $1,000 check, according to records.

Bless Trump’s heart, he had to look really hard to find a Republican congressvarmint with that big an appetite for self-enrichment.

His hearing starts Wednesday and if the Democrats don’t walk out of there with a new pair of alligator boots, I’ll be very disappointed.

Price wants to reform Medicare, y’all.  Under his plan, from now on, you don’t get health care until you send Price $1,000.  In return, he’ll send you a gift card for $100 to pay for your medical expenses.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

“Insurance for Everybody” Yeah. Just Like the Wall

January 16, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

As expected, the tsunami of lies pouring out of Cheeto Tower have reached Fukushima proportions.  After biting his lip over Alec Baldwin’s masterful SNL portrayal of him Saturday night, CJ exploded yesterday, ranting about Baldwin, insulting the director of the CIA, and, of course, Democrats.

But the most interesting lie, though, was the one he told during a telephone interview with the Washington Post on Saturday.  In that interview Trump declared that he’s close to a new healthcare plan that includes “insurance for everybody” and that the federal government was going to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma.  What?

So, after railing for years about the evils of Obamacare, CJ is going to replace it with Hillarycare, rebranded as Cheetocare?  The chances of getting this through Congress?  Infinitesimal to zero.  But then he can blame them, right?  More chaos on Bullshit Mountain (sorry, Momma).

My head is spinning.

Mike Pence: Clueless in DeeCee

January 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s this right here breaking news today.



And far more likely, there’s no contact between the Trump campaign and Mike Pence.

Fix It, Daddy

January 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So I think we have a slight problem.

There’s a tiff between Congressman John Lewis and alleged President-Elect Donald Trump.

Reince Priebus says the whole thing is just awful and it needs fixing.

Reince Priebus tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Obama should “step up” and “call it what it is – it’s wrong what is happening, it’s wrong how some of these Democrats are treating President-elect Trump.”

So, Reince needs Obama’s help?  Yeah, I am certain that Trump can count on President Obama to help him with this illegitimate president thing.  After all, Donald Trump personally gave President Obama a whole lot of experience with that.

So I heard that the Ringling Brothers, Barnum, and Bailey’s Circus is closing down after 168 years.  They knew they couldn’t compete with the Trump administration.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

I Finally Found a Way I Can Listen to the New, uh…urp, President

January 14, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Life Accordion to Cheeto Jesus


January 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You all know about the major rally in Austin on Saturday.  There is another event/rally on Friday night.  Click right here.

I just checked and you can get a Best Western hotel room in central Austin for under $100 on Friday night.

Hey, it’ll keep you from throwing things at your teevee at home.

If you now of other events around the country, please post here.