Inaugural, Trump’s draft
You’re all probably right: he’s not going to use my version. Turn’s out he’s been writing his own.
What we can see of the page is blank. Empty. And he’s curled it to hide the emptiness beneath, much like he does his hair. So, anyway, we can extrapolate from what we can see to this finished draft:
My fellow Americans,
They said it would never happen but, huh? How about this? Pretty amazing, huh? You did it. You did it. You’re making America Great Again.
They said it would never happen. They said. They said I’d never get the nomination, but I beat 17 other guys to get here. And gals. Let’s not forget the gals. Many people asked me, why do they say this? You are awesome. Why do they say such terrible, terrible things about you? I don’t know, but the voters, they knew it wasn’t true. It was all fake news about everything.
And they said oh, Hillary is so much more qualified. Well, the voters, they know crooked when they see it. If you’re crooked, who cares about quality? Right? (Pause for “lock her up” chant) Right. Right. Well, we’ll see what Congress can do. We’ll see. A lot of investigating. There’s a lot of investigating coming.
Wow, what a great crowd. Like my historic landslide, this is a historic crowd. More people, more people are coming to Washington today than any time, for anything, ever. Million Man March? It wasn’t even a real million. It wasn’t even… this, this is a million man march right here. And gals. Can’t forget about you gals, too. They’re having a women’s march over there, but all the women marched over here, to Trump.
They always do. They always do. They always march back. Those lawsuits. Forget it. Gloria Allred and those lyin’ California liberals, it’s all the same. Don’t believe them, folks, YOU are the real Americans, am I right? How does THAT grab ya?
So things are gonna change now, people. They’re gonna change. The intelligence, who needs that? They have been trying to bring me down. Trying to spread fake news. Leaking. All the leaking. It’s disgusting. It’s disgusting. So no intelligence in this White House, not one of them. Only General Flynn… is he a great general or what? He is head of my intelligence. The CIA (pause for boos) the FBI (pause for more boos) they tried to stop Trump, they tried to stop you from having me. I guess we showed them.
And they ain’t seen nothin’ yet, believe me. (Pause for nazi salutes)
So I will talk to world leaders, I will negotiate with them and I can tell when they are lying to me. They will find out who the super power is. Trump, that’s who. I will make great deals for you. not for me, bel;ieve me though, because I have left all my businesses in the blind trust with my sons, who are excellent business men.
How about Mike Pence, is he great or what. Stand up, stand, Mike, stand up and there he is folks. Already the best vice president ever. EVER. Even the lyin’ press has to say Trump, he picks great people. Great Vice President, the greatest, so I think we’ll keep him there, right? I hope so. I hope so.
He’s gonna do great things. We’re gonna do great things. We’re gonna make America GREAT again!
And we’re gonna build the wall. It’s a done deal, folks. As soon as Congress passes the bill, and they will pass them. Every bill I want. But the Great Wall will be built, the greatest. Forget China. They’re the worst. And that wall! It’s falling down, it’s a wreck. We’re gonna build a Greater Wall, and who’s gonna pay for it? After you, pay for it, who are we gonna bill? That’s right. Mexico. And Mexico’s gonna pay. Believe me.
Are you tired of winning yet? Are you ready to go party and then Make America Great Again? All right! We’re gonna do it. We’re gonna get going. But first, here’s a special guest, is.. is it working? Is it.. there he is! Here’s a special guest to talk to you. Here’s a brief word from our sponsor:
Vladimir, say hello to America.