Archive for November, 2016

Happy, No Wait, Confused Days Are Here Again

November 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A new Quinnipiac poll finds American voters say by a 59% to 37% margin that they are “optimistic about the next four years with Donald Trump as President.

That said, by a 52% to 42% they say he is not honest and by 57% to 38% say he is not level-headed.

So … he’s crazy as a loon and you can’t trust him worth diddle squat but, by Gawd, I feel great about this!

President-elect Donald Trump should shut down his personal Twitter account, American voters say 59 – 35 percent.

Well, it’s a start.

(If I don’t see you tomorrow, have a Happy Thanksgiving!)


UPDATED: Secretary of Education? An Anti-Education Radical

November 23, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Trump

UPDATED: Cheeto Jesus continues to fill the DC swamp with more alligators and snakes; today’s addition to the primordial soup? Betsy DeVos, a Michigan billionaire who’s devoted decades and untold dollars in an effort to destroy public education.  She’s one of those cynical “school choice” activists, which is code for privatizing all education through robbing public schools to issue “vouchers” for private schools.  Privatizing education is along the same idiotic ideological lines of pretending that healthcare is “free market” when it’s anything but.  I would liken appointing DeVos to the Department of Education to nominating Dennis Hastert to be principal of an elementary school.  It just doesn’t get any worse than this.

And the hits just keep on coming.  It’s become a bit of a drinking game for me where I imagine who the absolute worst candidate for this administration could be and then when it comes true, taking a drink.  Come to think of it, I need to run to the local liquor store before it closes for the holiday.

UPDATE:  Guess who happens to be DeVos’s brother?  None other than Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, the “security” contractor that provided mercenaries in GWB’s invasion of Iraq, and whose employees engaged in a mass shooting in Iraq in 2007, killing 17.  Several of his employees have been convicted of crimes from murder to manslaughter.  Nice guys.

Prince was an early supporter of Cheeto Jesus, and has been a large contributor to hyper right wing PACs.


Experts are Urging Clinton to Challenge Results in Swing States

November 23, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Computer security experts at the University of Michigan have found compelling evidence that election results in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have been altered or hacked, and have urged the campaign to challenge the election results in those states.  In Wisconsin counties alone, where electronic voting machines were used versus paper ballots, Hillary underperformed by 7%.  That 7% would swing Wisconsin to Hillary’s column. That unusual pattern caught computer experts’ attention, which indicates hacking of results.  The experts have had a conference call with John Pedestal, but nothing has come out of the campaign yet.  Apparently the White House doesn’t want Hillary to challenge, feating upheaval that they don’t want.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Finally – A Federal Court Finds Partisan Gerrymandering Unconstitutional

November 22, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: gerrymandering

In a 2-to-1 ruling by the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin said that the Legislature’s remapping in 2011 violated both the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment because it aimed to deprive Democratic voters of their right to be represented.  Finally, a court has been brave enough to take on gerrymandering, and Wisconsin was a good place to start.

The court used a simple mathematical calculation to measure gerrymandering called (more…)

Totalitarian Trainwreck Watch

November 22, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Assuming, arguendo, that Dat Guy decides to follow the Fascist’s Handbook that Steve Bannon has written in his own smeared feces on the dungeon walls of Breitbart HQ, he’s going to have to not just crush his dissent, but crush other people he may not dislike but finds inconvenient.

In the rough and tumble politics of post-WWI Germany, Hitler’s rise in the German Worker’s Party (which he later renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party i.e. “Nazis”) was concurrent with several of his Munich Army buddies organizing to provide “meeting security.” Borrowing the name Storm Troops (German abbreviation SA) from shock detachments formed by the German Army during the Great War, the SA (aka Brownshirts) brawled with other parties’ thugs, cracked heads of dissenters, and beat up “undesirables.”

Sound familiar?

As the Nazi Party grew in size and organization, so too did the SA under the command of several professional officers, who imposed a military order that Hitler found pleasing. Hitlers “Praetorian Guard” – the SS – was originally a detachment under the SA. The Hilter Youth also began as an SA group. By the time Hitler had assumed power in the mid-1930s, the SA was 30 times the size of the professional German Army. Along with manpower, they also had more munitions and transport than that allowed the Army by the Treaty of Versailles. The SA leader, Ernst Rohm, was demanding that the military be turned over to him, and that the full revolution had not yet come.

Most of the SA members were from the working class and actually believed in the “Socialist” part of the party name. Members of the SS, and other influential groups, were middle or upper class. They, along with the officer class, convinced Hitler that the SA was a threat to order, to Germany and to him.

So Hitler invited Rohm and dozens of other SA leaders to a meeting at a hotel. All were arrested and/or killed at the hotel or on their way.   This night, June 30, 1934, is called “The Night of the Long Knives.”

The middle class was happy – “order” had been restored.

The SS was happy – the way had been cleared for them to be the terribly efficient enforcers throughout the Reich.

The wealthy industrialists were happy – no longer was “Socialism” anything more than a propagandist’s word.

The officer class was happy – the military remained under their control, and would eventually absorb all the SA – i.e. the working class – into the Army for WWII.

And Hitler was happy – a powerful ally who wanted more than he was willing to give, and who was in a position to take it all from him, had been utterly neutralized. Brutality had been masked and hidden in dark rooms and relocated to remote camps. With a thin veneer of diplomacy, brutality now stalked the drawing rooms of the European capitals, like the Masque of the Red Death.

Today, in America, pay attention to what happens to organizations like the militias, and the Klan, and those knuckleheads who heil their heads off for Dat Guy. If they get taken down – hard! – by Dat Guy’s Justice Department, to the approbation of all, it might not necessarily be a good thing.

It might not even be a bad thing.

It might just be the start of a much, much worse thing.

Fun With Guns: North Carolina Roulette Edition

November 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have come to believe that whoever said that more guns make us all safer has never been to a gun show or a firing range. Hellfire, people are always getting accidentally shot there. This week there was one in Idaho, but the best one was in North Carolina.

There is a guy name William Daniel Glosson went to a gun show in North Carolina, where he purchased two guns.

Glosson, who has a concealed-carry permit, handed one of the unloaded guns to Lasonya Judd, who was sitting in the back seat, and he also handed her a loaded gun he already had in the truck. As Judd was looking at the guns, she accidentally fired one, and the bullet struck Alyssa Lewis Glosson, 29, in the back of the head while she was sitting in the truck’s passenger seat.

Alyssa Lewis Glosson is the wife of William Daniel Glosson.

It appeared to the police that the bullet struck the head rest first so it didn’t kill her, but it probably pissed her off real good. And more than likely raised some questions about the accidentalness of the whole deal.

The shooting on Saturday is the second accidental shooting at the same gun show in the last three years. In 2013, a 12-gauge shotgun discharged while its owner removed it from its case at a security checkpoint at the entrance to the show, according to previous reports.

Two people were shot in the incident—one in the hand and the other in the right torso.

Harrison said hopefully a lesson can come from the incident.

“Don’t be handling a loaded firearm unless you know what you’re doing,” he said.


Either that’s the unluckiest gun show on the planet or  Lasonya knew exactly what she was doing.