Archive for August, 2016

I T-told you so!

August 08, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Remember T-this?

I'm.... almost perfect.

I’m…. almost perfect.

Well, read T-this and listen to the video.  His every economic policy is designed to benefit himself, I know, but T-trillions of dollars for what??

OK it’s time for audience participation.  Finish this sentence:

Forget Obamaphones, Trump is giving away…

Fiery Fifty

August 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fifty – count ‘um, 50 – top GOP national security officials came out today and pitched a fit about Donald Trump ever being president.

Donald Trump’s effort to appeal to establishment Republicans suffered another setback on Monday as 50 senior GOP national security officials warned in a new letter that Trump would “risk our country’s national security and well-being.”

I dunno about you, but my well-being and non-headache state is seriously disturbed by the mere presence on Donald Trump on my teevee screen.  I’m pretty much an expert in well-being because, you know, I do hair.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Who’s In Wall Street’s Pocket

August 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s been a banner day for Donald Trump.  And here’s the banner:


Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 2.28.04 PM

A ban on all financial regulation?  Dude.  I like the financial plan that everybody Dad’s gives them one million dollars when they turn 21.

And the rest of his financial speech didn’t go much better.  Although it was supposed to be a private speech, he was interrupted 14 times.

“You want to close Michigan plants and outsource our jobs! ” yelled Jacquie Maxwell, a Grosse Pointe auto worker. “How are we supposed to raise our families without good jobs? Is that what you call winning?”

Another protester targeted Trump’s comments on sexual harassment. “Why are you blaming the victims of sexual harassment?” shouted Sarah Messer, a food service worker from Detroit.

Trump did not lash back at the protesters.  He just read the speech and stayed stoned.

I don’t care who you are – this is gonna make a great bumper sticker.

One woman opted for a more lighthearted call than her fellow protesters. “Tiny hands! All you got is tiny hands!” she yelled to Trump.

Ya gotta wonder what the fool tarnation Trump is doing.


Living Well Is The Best Revenge

August 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all remember the Dixie Chicks, don’t you?  Republicans tried to run them out of business after they said that they were proud of Texas but not so proud of George W Bush.  Why, the Republicans accused the Chicks of being unAmerican for poor-mouthing the President.

Well, Honey, they are back with a vengeance.  And ho boy they can sing and sell out shows all over Texas.

But they are still not ready to make nice.  Good on ‘um.

The crowd wasn’t just enjoying the music. They were communing, absorbing, welcoming back old friends who still have plenty to say.

The message was clear during revenge anthem “Goodbye Earl,” which earned one of the night’s biggest responses. Scenes of women in peril from black-and-white films were interspersed with images of Chris Brown, O.J. Simpson and Donald Trump as a cartoonish devil (which earned the loudest roar).

Welcome home.


The Sweetest Thing You’ll Ever See

August 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have friends who live in Missouri who let me know that maybe, just maybe, Missouri is trying to beat Texas in the political division rankings.  They send me all the information I need to know that bean dip dumb is contagious.

However, this comes close to being the sweetest thing that ever happened.  Anywhere.

Gov. Jay Nixon

Gov. Jay Nixon

Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon, who is a damn Democrat, has repeatedly withheld funding for the public defender’s office.  The public defender’s office asked for a $23 million increase in funding.  The state legislature gave them $4.5 million.  The Governor is withholding $3.5 million of that because he thinks they don’t need it.  They do.  Badly.

So, the guy who is the head of the public defender’s office, Michael Barrett, has found out that he has authority to appoint any lawyer to a client in the public defender’s office.

Michael Barrett made me the happiest woman on earth when he appointed Governor Jay Nixon to defend a client in the public defender’s system.

“… given the extraordinary circumstances that compel me to entertain any and all avenues for relief, it strikes me that I should begin with the one attorney in the state who not only created this problem, but is in a unique position to address it.”

Well done, Barrett, well done.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



August 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, you did amazingly great.  Glen is still working on the final numbers but it appears that you raised between $5,500 and $6,000.

That will do some damn good.  We covered all the counties we needed to cover and also helped us target some state representative races for people who need just a little extra help.

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 8.57.33 AMFor example, you helped my my friend Cecil Webster, who is running for the state house.  Cecil and I have been friends for a decade and even went to the national convention together in 2012.  When we told Cecil that we had covered his district, he sent me this.

First, let me tell you a little about Cecil.  He is a retired Colonel in the United States Army and taught at West Point.  He is witty, smart, and determined.  Cecil is a gentleman farmer/rancher about 100 miles up the road from me on the way to Austin. Cecil’s lovely bride, Marsha, keeps him in line.

Juanita Jean,

I cannot thank you and your readers enough for your support of Texas voters, especially those in rural counties who are 65 and over and who are eligible to vote by mail.  Due to your very generous support, the senior citizens in the HD-13 counties in which I am running for state representative (Austin, Burleson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes, Lavaca, and Washington) will now receive an application for vote by mail ballot.  This is great news for them, and for my campaign to ensure veterans have a real voice in the Texas Legislature.  For more detailed information about my campaign, please see my website at; to see what is going on day-to-day in my campaign, visit me on Facebook at “Cecil Webster for Texas State Representative.”  Again, thanks for making it possible for the voices of senior citizens to be heard in this election.


Yeah, ya did good, folks.

Now we sit back and wait to see who wins the lottery.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.