Sunday Blessing on All God’s Children
Okay, so you think luck is going our way? Oh Honey, you don’t even know.
Vetting for Trump’s Veep —
“The contenders under the most serious consideration, such as Gingrich and Christie, have been asked by attorney Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. to answer more than 100 questions and to provide reams of personal and professional files that include tax records and any articles or books they have published.”
Culvahouse, a former White House counsel who is managing the vetting for Trump, was the lawyer who vetted then-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for the GOP vice-presidential nomination during the 2008 campaign.
And how did that Palin thing work out for ya?
Oh yeah, you’ve got 319 million people to pick from and you pick the same guy who thought Sarah Palin was perfectly suited to be vice president. Great judgment, Trump.