Archive for July, 2016

I Need To Say This

July 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was reminded to say this to my Black friends and acquaintances today — I love you. You matter to me, and I support however you respond to this terrible thing in the news today.





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Wait a Minute, Wait Minute, You Go To Work At a Place That Exploits Women and Then You’re Shocked Because You and Your Ta-Tas Got Exploited?

July 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Gretchen Carlson is saying that Roger Ailes and Fox News wanted s-e-x.  With her.

Yeah, Roger Ailes wanted to have sex, Steve Doocy is douchey, and the whole place is weird for women.  None of that seems to have bothered her until she got fired.

Have you ever watched Fox News, Gretchen?  And you didn’t see this coming?


The Narrowing

July 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, Republican senator Bob Corker of Tennessee was a finalist for the veep slot and had even submitted his tax returns to Trump to be vetted.  Bless his heart, he spent one day with Donald Trump and promptly asked that his name be removed from vice-presidential  consideration.

One day.

Of course, that’s exactly one day more than I could spend with Donald Trump.

Corker issued a statement …

“There are people far more suited for being a candidate for vice president, and I think I’m far more suited for other types of things,” Corker told the Post, after meeting with Trump campaign officials in New York and participating in a joint rally with the candidate in North Carolina.

Yeah, he used the “it’s not you, it’s me” line.  Cute.

And, then Joni Ernst might can castrate a pig, but Donald Trump was way over the line for her, too.

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa on Wednesday told Politico that she has withdrawn her name from consideration as a vice presidential nominee. She suggested Pence should get the nod instead.

Pence was last seen running the opposite direction.


Trump Wants PM, Not VP

July 06, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Donald J. Trump, in order to form a more perfect Himself, establish hegemony, ensure domestic income, provide for his defensive commonality, promote his general branding, and secure the blessings of griftery for himself and his brood, is running for President and needs a Veep.

We’ve all heard of the former Republican Prez hopefuls who themselves envision being the number two guy: Christie, Gingrich, the ever hopeful, ever clueless Ben Carson. These guys will never get to 1600 on their own. Therefore, their last chance to rule the free world is to sign on the ticket, to pray for Trump to catch lightning in a bottle, then to wait for the inevitable impeachment.

Then there are the more sane-seeming picks, like Bob Corker of Tennessee, or Joni Ernst of Iowa, Jeff Sessions of Ala-damn-bama and Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana. (Sane-seeming only in comparison, because each of them is a right wing loonitarian by any normal standard.)

But Corker and Ernst both excused themselves today, which is probably best for Hair Drumpf, because Corker being paraded onstage yesterday like a hostage was cringe-worthy, while Joni Hog-baller’s proclivities with a shears probably just make Trump cringe. Plus, the Donald has always been a boob man, so that gives Pence a definite advantage.

Through his behavior and temperament, Trump appears to be angling for the job where he gets to fly around on Air Force One, ruffles and flourishes accompanying his every step, as he opens President Trump International Golf Courses all around the globe. It’s exactly how he’s “running” his campaign, and appears to have been his business model from the start.

Further, not only have his surrogates gone on record saying he was looking for someone more experienced to do the actual work, but Donald Trump’s Big Big Life itself bespeaks a lazy work ethic where running his mouth is labor enough, dammit. It’s clear from the get-go: he wants to be the head of state, but not the head of government. He’ll have people for that, preferably family. Why else have all these kids unless you’re going to put them to work?

That’s what makes his Vice Presidential pick so important. This will be the actual guy actually running the actual country: the Prime Minister to His Purple Prosings Majesty. But, even as great a gig as this sounds (plus the added attraction of that impeachment thingie) anyone with an ounce of self-respect is running in the opposite direction except for Gingrich and Christie. That’s how poisonous Trump is and that’s the quality of character he’s attracting.

So think about this, then tell me where in Canada to forward your mail: President Trump running around the world. Chief of Staff Christie running the White House. Vice President Gingrich running the country.

If I Can’t, You Can’t

July 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  Ya got the Pope acting like a Christian and that’s just more than some people can stand.  In particular, priests.  Ya got priests acting all put out about confessions because just aren’t as juicy as they used to be.

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 1.41.34 PMCatholics in Philadelphia who are divorced and civilly remarried will be welcome to accept Holy Communion – as long as they abstain from sex and live out their relationships like “brother and sister”.

Archbishop Charles Chaput is not squaring well with the Pope’s new edict of loving everybody.  Question: I might be misunderstanding this but if this couple “slips” and accidentally sleeps together, is that incest?

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Do You Mean Funny As In Odd or Funny as In Ha Ha?

July 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Funny can mean a lot of things. Don Christy of Indiana knows none of those meanings.

Christy shows up at his town’s 4th of July parade in a golf cart of his own design.

The front of the cart had a stuffed animal with sign saying, “African Lion” under it.  Take a deep breath now…

On the back, a doll with an Obama mask was propped in a toilet with a sign reading “Lying African.”

636033023648797661-Float2Ya wanna take a guess whose political signs the 73-year-old Christy had on the top of his golf cart?

Yeah, that’s right.

“I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican,” Christy told IndyStar. “I’m a patriot.”

And a racist idiot.  You forgot the racist idiot part, Christy.

As an extra nice addition to his goofball theme, Christy was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and a blonde wig.


Christy said he tries to do something funny and outrageous in the parade every year. Last year, he dressed as a gay person, he said.

“Me and a guy got married (during the parade),” he said. “It was funny.”

Gay people wanting their right?  Hilarious!

Here’s Christy’s thoughts on the matter …

But Christy told IndyStar that his float was not intended to be racist. He’s tired of political correctness, he said.

“It’s time to start changing our country back a little bit,” Christy said.

Yeah, I wanna say the N word.  It is unpatriotic of you not to allow me to say the N word.

“I have my right to say things,” Christy said. “Isn’t that what the Fourth of July’s about? Freedom.”

“I apologize to anyone I offended, which would be a total liberal.”

I hope I make it to November without screaming.

Thanks to Brad for the heads up.