Archive for July, 2016

Pence – ive?

July 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Word has it that Trump has narrowed down his Veep list to Mike Pence, Chris Christy, and a general yet to be named.

So a governor from Indiana or New Jersey?  Why would they do it?

UnknownWhy does Pence want to be Trump’s #2? The hard truth is that he’s not too popular in the Hoosier State, and he could very possibly lose reelection to a second term as governor of Indiana this November, which would end his political career. Joining Trump would let him get out of that pickle. His advisers tell National Review’s Eliana Johnson that they think even being on a losing ticket with Trump would position Pence as a top prospect in either 2020 or 2024.

So Pence thinks losing with Trump will help him get elected President later on?  They do know that as Trump’s veep candidate, all he’s leaving with is Trump’s pee on his head?

Hell, by late September, Trump will be bad-mouthing his own veep candidate.


Oh Louie? Qued Up, Dude?

July 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya gotta say one thing about Ole Louie, he’s consistent.  At least with his barbeque.

Oh hell yeah, it’s that special time when we get to see how conservative Louie is with other people’s money.


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Yeah, you can see it all right here.

One of my personal favorites is the April 12th Terranea Resort in California on the coast.  Such a bargain for $1246.38!  Maybe he took the caviar class to “education his palate.”


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Lord knows he can use all the education he can get.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Thank You, Governor Abbott

July 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is a rare day when I have anything nice to say about Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Today, my friends, is indeed a rare day.

Governor Abbott received second and third degree scald burns on his legs while vacationing in Jackson Hole.  The events in Dallas were unfolding while the Governor was on the way to the hospital.  He had his burns treated and then immediately returned to Texas where he made a very healing statement about the events, in stark contrast to his Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick.

I, for one, appreciate the Governor coming home and taking the reins of government away from a goofy man.  I deeply appreciate his calm, rational and kind statements about the event and putting his own personal pain on a back burner.

They are now saying that his burns may keep him away from the Republican National Convention.  I think that’s probably wise – he’s suffered enough.

By the way, if you want to go somewhere to be completed away from Republicans for a while, I hear that Cleveland, Ohio, July 18 – 21 is a good place to go.


Oh No, He Just Can’t Shuddup

July 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, when I saw this headline about Dan Patrick …


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… I thought to myself, “He has walked-back so many things that, hopefully, he’s finally crossed the border into New Mexico.”

Not to be.

It’s not so much of a walk-back as a Look At Me I Saw Dead Bodies.  I swear to the Good Lord above that Dan Patrick holds the land speed record for going between vicious hater to victim in .04 seconds.

Patrick was not the only person at the hospital that night. None of the rest of them immediately started bloviating to the worst instincts of those who want to destroy America.  For example, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, a proud Texas Democrat, was at the hospital and instead of tweeting, he called for a prayer vigil.

So, then Patrick shoved people aside to be on the front row of that prayer vigil.


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Either you have what it takes to be a leader or you don’t.  Mike Rollins has it. Dan Patrick doesn’t.

Sumbitch.  He’s a worthless sumbitch.


Lord Help Us

July 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s Dan Patrick, the Texas Lt. Governor again.

He sashayed down his well-worn path to Fox News this morning and had this to say

“All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!” an audibly emotional Patrick said.

Okay, so here I am.  I object to any policeman killing anybody in cold blood. I object to police violence.  So, does that mean I should not expect police protection?

Idiot.  He’s an idiot.  Even Governor Abbott knew we’d had enough shooting without adding his mouth to the gunfire chorus.

But not Dan Patrick.  Oh no, not Dan.  And while he was on his Mouth ‘O Terror Tour this morning, he orders the state flag to be flown at half-staff because he’s “acting Governor.”

Obviously, Dan doesn’t understand that “acting Governor” means more than acting like you’re a governor.  It’s kinda rude that he didn’t tell Governor Abbott that there had been a coup.

Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered that Texas flags across the state be lowered to half-staff in honor of the Dallas police shooting victims.

It is becoming increasingly hard to embarrass Texas but somehow we manage to find the biggest pecan in the sack of nuts.


Kinda Like a Miracle

July 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Straight from the Republican National Convention —


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So I guess it’s true that Donald Trump had to dig up some speakers.