Hey, you just gotta love East Texas because they gave you a whole slew of crazy white male Republicans. Truly, when Democrats want to feel very superior and smart, they just go read a newspaper from East Texas.
But, there will be one less to push around.
I told you guys in March about Super DeLux Brand Christian Smith County Judge Joel Baker being in a mess of trouble for some curious sexual activity, which he seems to have named on his father’s death and stress. You know, thing that have happened to no one else but him.
He stayed in office because, obviously, Smith County would not survive without him. Well, now it’s June and this has happened:
Less than two hours after he convened the regular meeting of the Smith County Commissioners Court, County Judge Joel Baker’s key card was deactivated and his county email was shut down, following his suspension from office by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
This wasn’t for the sexual stuff. Nah, that’s kinda expected from East Texas Super DeLux Brand Christians. He’s in trouble now for three violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Voting to spend taxpayer money behind closed doors is a nasty little thing to do.
However, this is only a suspension. Only three judges have been removed in Texas since 2002. So, you either gotta think we have more upstanding, righteous judges than we have cows, or that the Commission is merely there to provide cover. I don’t know about you, but I’m betting on cover.
I can’t wait to see what Louie Gohmert says about this!
Thanks to Karen for the heads up.