Archive for June, 2016

How ‘Bout We Put John Lewis In The Genuine American Hero Hall of Fame

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a look at this total awesomeness.

Any time I start to lose faith in my political party, I take pride that I am in the same party as this man.



Thank you, Congressman, thank you.

Mired in their shame, Republicans turned off the camera but they cannot turn off the constant shine of John Lewis.


I Love Yew, East Texas

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey, you just gotta love East Texas because they gave you a whole slew of crazy white male Republicans.  Truly, when Democrats want to feel very superior and smart, they just go read a newspaper from East Texas.

But, there will be one less to push around.

d3e6ccec27164b3972a9ea7d235bdb51_f37-219x300I told you guys in March about Super DeLux Brand Christian Smith County Judge Joel Baker being in a mess of trouble for some curious sexual activity, which he seems to have named on his father’s death and stress.  You know, thing that have happened to no one else but him.

He stayed in office because, obviously, Smith County would not survive without him.  Well, now it’s June and this has happened:

Less than two hours after he convened the regular meeting of the Smith County Commissioners Court, County Judge Joel Baker’s key card was deactivated and his county email was shut down, following his suspension from office by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.

This wasn’t for the sexual stuff.  Nah, that’s kinda expected from East Texas Super DeLux Brand Christians.  He’s in trouble now for three violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.  Voting to spend taxpayer money behind closed doors is a nasty little thing to do.

However, this is only a suspension.  Only three judges have been removed in Texas since 2002.  So, you either gotta think we have more upstanding, righteous judges than we have cows, or that the Commission is merely there to provide cover.  I don’t know about you, but I’m betting on cover.

I can’t wait to see what Louie Gohmert says about this!

Thanks to Karen for the heads up.

My Dream Job

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, if you see that I’ve cleaned out the Beauty Salon and hung a for sale sign on the door, it’s because I have followed my heart and applied for my new dream job since I was told there is no such job as Queen of Baseball.

Y’all, I can work for Willie.

Country music legend Willie Nelson is about to launch his weed factory in Colorado — and they’re looking for a few good stoners to help run the show.

Willie’s Reserve has five job openings, according to The Cannabist. You’ll have to be willing to go on the road again because the jobs are in Denver.

No, they are tokin’ serious.


Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 9.26.46 AM

Can somebody please embroidery that on a nice couch cushion for me?

The jobs include a sales director, compliance officer, production manager, extractor and bookkeeper. Click here to apply.

I am just perfect for any of those jobs.  And, GET THIS! – they pay you money to do it.  Actual American money.  Hellfire, Darlin’, I’d do any of those jobs as a volunteer on the off chance that Willie might show up.

Thelma says that “Colorado Juanita” has way too many vowels, plus there’s snow there.  Yeah, yeah, like I would be aware that it’s snowing.



Thanks to Ron for the heads up.


Well, Lookie Here

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Little Marco has discovered that he doesn’t know how to get off the government teat.

UnknownMarco Rubio has changed his little repetitive mind and is going to run for re-election after promising not to.

Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.), a Democratic candidate for Rubio’s seat, slammed him as reports surfaced Wednesday that Rubio would run.

“Marco Rubio abandoned his constituents, and now he’s treating them like a consolation prize,” Murphy said in a statement.

Good one, Murphy!

You know, it’s not like Florida hasn’t had enough bad things happening in their state lately.  Now Marco has to join in the bedlam. I just don’t think that’s very nice of him. Leave Florida alone, Marco – they have suffered enough.


No, No, No, No UPDATE! UPDATE! Read All About It!

June 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh please, Dear Lord, have mercy on my soul, but Donald Trump should go soak his head in a big ole vat of Deuteronomy.

Donald Trump questioned Hillary Clinton’s commitment to her Christian faith on Tuesday, saying that little is known about her spiritual life even though she’s been in the public eye for decades.

Speaking to a group of top social conservative evangelical Christian leaders at a gathering in New York City, Trump said, “we don’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion.”

But, yes sireeeee, we know a whole lot about Donald Trump’s religion.  I wonder if he would be willing to give us the scriptural basis for encouraging violence at his speeches or combing his hair all stupid like that.

Maybe it’s in Two Corinthians ….

Trump’s pronunciation of the Bible verse drew laughter from the Christian audience — but he downplayed it, saying his Scottish mother would have said “two Corinthians,” as well.

“It’s a very small deal, but a lot of people in different sections of the world say two, and I’ve had many, many people say that to me. My mother, as you know, was from Scotland, and they say two,” Trump said.

No, that’s wrong.  Nobody has ever said Two Corinthians when they mean Second Corinthians.  Nobody.  Ever. Not even in Scotland or Australia.

Sweet Jesus.  Please throw the moneychangers out of the Temple.

UPDATE:  Trump found a whole herd of moneychangers!

According to a Trump press release, he has named an “Evangelical Advisory Board.”

Prepare yourself:



There’s not one mainstream Christian name on there.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Tuesday Morning Games: Think and Pray

June 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, just in case you’re needing a little Tuesday morning pick-up fun, here ya go.

It’s the new and improved Thoughts and Prayers game where you can be an actual congressvarmint doing something about guns, guns, guns.

I need to warn you that the audio on the game is cool but very loud so turn down your sound.

Thoughts and Prayers for your deadly entertainment enjoyment!

Thanks to AlaninAustin for the heads up.