Archive for May, 2016

Fun With Guns: I Thought You Were A Raccoon Edition

May 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a city in Virginia that allows people to shoot “varmints.” within the city limits.

I would not want to live there.  And here’s why.

I man thought he saw a rabid raccoon so he shot it.  Except it wasn’t a raccoon.  It was his neighbor, why may have been foaming at the mouth and plenty hairy, I dunno, but I suspect that at the very least, she was larger than a raccoon.

5740aff762481.imageThe neighbor was held overnight for observation at the local hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries. She reportedly went outside to check on her children when she heard gun shots and was struck by one of the bullets.

He was charged with a class 6 felony and is due to be sentenced in September.

A class 6 felony is the lowest ranking felony offense potentially punishable by imprisonment of one to five years and a possible maximum fine of $2,500, according to the Code of Virginia.

Bet he won’t be shooting any raccoons for a while.


Impeach! Impeach! Take a Leak! Impeach!

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You gotta stand in pure drooling amazement of Oklahoma.

Republican state lawmakers in Oklahoma have introduced a resolution urging the state’s congressional delegation to start an effort to impeach President Barack Obama over a White House recommendation that schools accommodate transgender students.

The Oklahoma resolution, introduced on Thursday night, calls on the state’s members of the U.S. House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against Obama, the U.S. attorney general, the U.S. secretary of education and others over the policy.

Look, why don’t you guys just stand on the Arkansas border and holler, “Screw You!” toward DeeCee and then go home and burn down your barn to show you mean business.  That would be just about as effective, y’all will feel a whole lot better, and you wouldn’t look like such damn fools.

Damn fools.  You can fix ignorance, but foolishness is not curable.


To No One’s Surprise …

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The better people get to know Donald Trump, the better President Obama looks.  We’re gonna miss this guy.


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The Washington Post has the story.


I Know Where God Was Last Night

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He was in Atlanta, Georgia, singing and grinning with Willie and Jimmy.


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They sang Amazing Grace together.  And then they went out and built a house or some damn thing.  Jimmy even has a Willie necktie.



Louisiana is the Land of Perfect Utopia Except For One Thing

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Damn. Louisiana is so perfect that there is nothing left to improve except for

A Republican lawmaker on Wednesday proposed that a bill raising the minimum age for dancers at strip clubs also allow the state of Louisiana to regulate strippers’ weight.

State Rep. Kenneth Havard was discussing the bill, which would raise the minimum age for exotic dancers from 18 to 21, when he also threw out there that he’d like the dancers to remain under 160 pounds, according to The Huffington Post. Havard also suggested the maximum age for a stripper under the law should be 28.

After everybody looked at him as if he had left his brain in the freezer at home, Havard backtracked and said, “It was just a joke.”

No dude, the joke’s on you.

Screen Shot 2016-05-21 at 11.10.14 AMTo prove it was a joke, Havard said it was an equal-opportunity joke.

“It was aimed at both men and women. I can’t strip either. I’m a little overweight,” Havard told the Times-Picayune.

A little?  Ya think?

Holy cow, Child, put down that bowl of étouffée and go sneeze because your brain is dusty.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

And Thanks to Bob for this one  —


Please, Please, Pretty Pleeeeease

May 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry wants to be somebody.  Anybody.  He’s desperate.  Here is a man who has never held a damn job in his life.  I’m not kidding.  Government has been his only job.

Now he’s begging, begging for a job. It’s soul crushing plea, y’all.

rickperryvotes1Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), who once called Donald Trump “a cancer on conservatism,” told CNN that he would be willing to serve as the presumptive Republican nominee’s vice president.

Said Perry: “I suspect I’m going to be helping him in a myriad ways — but if it’s the vice presidency, if a cabinet position is where he needs somebody with my experience then I’m not going to go back to Texas and say, ‘Aw shucks sir, I’m gonna go fishing.’ I’m gonna go serve my country.”

I mean, holy cow, the man went out and bought glasses and everything.

Yep, Ole Rick is willing to help cancer grow in America.

Because he’s a desperate man.