Archive for May, 2016

Y’all are in trouble now!

May 02, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

It has come to my attention that  just because Miz Juanita Jean is off calypsoing on a cruise, just because Chipster’s got the bar, everyone thinks it’s party time!

Well… yeah!

But just in case you think you can get away with anything, you should know that free speech is now stifled, dissent is now outlawed, and everyone must speak nicely about me, because Donald Trump has show us the way.

His newest hired gun, Paul Manafort, was ostensibly brought in to herd delegates.  But Manafort is an old-school turd-polisher, who has spent most of his professional life putting lipstick on pigs, dictators and the occasional Republican.  He was brought into Trump’s orbit originally by Roy Cohn, whom we’ve previously established was the Sith mentor to the young, emo, Donnykin Drumpfalker  (and was born to be played by James Woods.)


No Quarter Asked…None Given!

Manafort outmaneuvered the hapless hellion Cory Lewandowski (whose specialty is sucker-punching protesters, girl reporters and the GOP electorate) and is now the Karl Rove of the Drumpf Putsch.

Much like I have muscled my way into control of this here party boat.  But just in case you think this a just another booze cruise and you can just trash the place…  say hello to my little friend!—>

The beatings will continue until America is Great Again!


Here’s The Deal

May 01, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In just a little while, I will be getting on a big boat that will take me to a beach somewhere. I will not even be thinking about you.

I will be gone a week.  Generally, you guys are unaware when I travel because there’s wifi everywhere.  Except on big boats.  I won’t have email because I do not want to be pestered.  My travel mates and I made a deal – no damn email or phone calls.  I might – maybe – have wifi on a shore excursion.  Other than that, all we have is Facebook only because we want show off.  So, don’t send me email for a whole damn week.

So, DaChipster is taking over for this week.  Enjoy!

Meanwhile, consider this a Talk Amongst Yourselves thread.