Set your alarm clock for May 2nd because Sarah Palin and Bill Nye the Science Guy are going to debate climate change.
No, I am not kidding. I would not kid about something this wonderful.
Palin said, “I’m very passionate about this issue. We’ve been told by fear-mongers that global warming is due to man’s activities and this presents strong arguments against that in a very relatable way.”
I am certain that Bill Nye said, “Oh thank you sweet Jesus,” but that hasn’t been reported anywhere. Yet.
Verdelia said that she would even watch that on pay-per-view. So, that got us to thinking: how much would you pay to see this debate?
Let’s start with a base payment of ten bucks. Hell, you know you’d pay ten bucks just to see what outrageous 1980’s outfit that Palin shows up in.
If Palin is drunk again, that’s another ten bucks. If Palin is drunk and Nye is high, you gotta go with $20.
If Nye agrees to tie 100 IQ points behind his back, it’s another ten to see him drool and still whip Palin.
If Nye walks across the stage and smacks Palin over the head with an Atlas, viewing rights go up at least $7.50, right?
If there’s sideline commentary by Neil deGrasse Tyson, they can have my retirement fund because I’d just die right there.
Thanks to Paul for the heads up.