You don’t need to prepare yourself for a shock with this news. This is news you already knew without being told. So, that kinda makes it olds. Anyway, before I forget where I was going with this ….
Registration among Hispanic voters is skyrocketing in a presidential election cycle dominated by Donald Trump and loud GOP cries to close the border.
Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Elected and Appointed Officials, projects 13.1 million Hispanics will vote nationwide in 2016, compared to 11.2 million in 2012 and 9.7 million in 2008.
A whopping 80 percent of respondents in a poll of registered Hispanic voters in Colorado and Nevada said Trump’s views on immigration made them less likely to vote for Republicans in November.
Yeah, so come to find out, “I’m gonna make your life miserable even if you’re a natural born American citizen if skin is brown,” wasn’t as good a campaign slogan as previously thought.
I have a question.
Texas and Mexico share the Rio Grande River along the border. That has worked out pretty well for a long time. Growers of the extra sweet Texas citrus in the Rio Grande Valley depend on the river for water for their crops. It’s the fifth longest river in America.
That said, how the fool tarnation do you build a wall down the middle of a river?
The Rio Grande runs through Big Bend National Park (God lives there. Seriously.) but it doesn’t run straight.

Aerial view taken over Big Bend National Park, Texas USA looking to the Rio Grande River, which is the border between the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico is on the left side of the river.
And, it runs through Santa Elena cannon. Structure me a wall here:

Or here:

And then there’s Lajitas, where there used to be a nine hole golf course and the mayor of the town was a beer drinking goat named Clay Henry. I admired that goat.
You cannot wall-in a damn goat. I’m just saying.