Archive for March, 2016

Slow Bern and Don Denied – your guide to tonight

March 22, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

It’s been awhile since we talked, and I apologize for giving in to my corporate overlords and actually – ya know – working, lately. But let’s talk about tonight:

What’s at stake, Dems: For Bernie, every Tuesday is an existential puzzle. He’s 300 pledged points down at halftime, and would have to perform in the second half as well as Hillary did in the first half, just to go to overtime (the convention). Caucuses and demographics should favor him in Idaho and Utah  – should! – where a total of 56 delegates are at stake. But the AZ primary should go big for Hillary – should! – where there are 75. Tonight looks to be a big night for no one, but Bernie probably won’t gain any ground in his first series of the third quarter. It’s going to be death by 2382 cuts for him, but he’s going to make Hillary earn every one.

What’s at stake, snacilbupeR: On Feb. 18, we said of Trump

…if anyone is going to knock him off and win outright, they have to have made it a two-horse race by the end of March. If the goal is just to deny him the nomination, and prolong the fight over a slow April … then two other candidates have to emerge as winners in several states between now and March 16.  If Trump hits the Arizona primary on March 22 with a big lead and a fractured field, no one can stop him.”

A lot of that has happened. The field is no longer fractured, and the lead is big but not BIG big – a plurality only. At stake tonight is Arizona’s 58 delegates, Utah’s 40 proportional delegates, and American Samoa’s mighty 9 unbound delegates.

If Cruz is going to make it a two-horse race, he has to knock out Kasich. Which explains what no TV pundits I saw could: Why is Cruz spending so much time in a winner-take-all Arizona race he can’t win? Because he has to destroy John Kasich – plan A – while denying Trump over 50% and making him look vulnerable and looking like a strong finisher himself so that a brokered convention – plan B – turns to the strongest-looking non-Trump.

It’s still Trump’s race to lose, and he just may. He won’t close it out in March, and he won’t in April, either, nor yet in May, unless he wins EVERY bound delegate between now and Washington State on May 24.  He can’t actually win during that time, and he can’t actually lose.  But he can be denied.

It all comes down to June 7, with proportional New Mexico, and four winner take all states, including California.

Then on to Cleveland where, after this summer, “The Mistake by the Lake” takes on a whole new meaning.

It’s Cruz Day At The Beauty Salon!

March 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Blaming Obama was not getting Ted Cruz enough attention, so he stepped up his game.

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The Houston Chronicle.

Reacting to a string of attacks that killed at least 30 people in Brussels on Tuesday, Texas Sen. and GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz called for heightened police patrols of Muslim neighborhoods.

But let’s not stop there.

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” he wrote

“Secure?”  What the fool tarnation does that mean?  I live in the most diverse county in America.  I live in a Muslim neighborhood.  There are Muslim families living on my street.  Last night, one of our dearest friends, a Muslim, came by our house to ride with us to a Democratic meeting.

The last damn thing in this world that I want is a bunch of cops “securing” my neighborhood because I have Muslim neighbors.

Crap.  This is total crap and an insult to me as an American, a woman of faith, and grown up with a little courage.



Because When Ted Cruz Says Jump

March 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember a couple of minutes ago when I told you how much Ted Cruz hates the fact that President Obama is in Cuba?

Well, now there’s this.

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He blames President Obama for the attack in Brussels.  This morning, within three hours of the attack, Ted gave interviews to Glenn Beck, ABC News, Fox News, NBC News, and four unsuspecting tourists with iPhone cameras.

Here’s the shortest because I couldn’t stand much more.

I’m telling you this right now.  Ted Cruz would slap a Cruz for President bumper sticker on the Pope’s coffin.  He has no shame.  None.


Diddle Diddle Dumplin’, Our Senator Cruz

March 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator Ted Cruz was seventeen different kinds of outraged when President Obama went to Cuba.  I’m telling you that he was so mad that sweat was the only thing that kept him from spontaneously combusting.

“It is so sad, and so injurious to our future as well as Cuba’s, that Obama has chosen to legitimize the corrupt and oppressive Castro regime with his presence on the island.”

cruz_300However, Cruz didn’t say one damn word when Texas Governor Greg Abbott went to Cuba.

And why is that?  Because Governors have uh well uh ….

“You cannot equate the two,” Cruz campaign spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said. “Cruz opposes President Obama’s policy to give an economic lifeline to Cuba. However, he understands the difficult position that governors are put in by this ill-advised policy, and the responsibility they have to promote and grow their own economies for their own states.”

And Presidents don’t grow economies. No, wait. That doesn’t sound right.

And Ted’s saying that if you oppose Obama’s policies, you should just go along and do what’s best for your state unless except that might mean healthcare for the working poor and children. Oh well, look on the bright side: maybe we can send those children to Cuba to get healthcare.

Abbott’s trip to “grow economies” for Texas only works if the embargo is lifted.  So, if President Obama’s trip doesn’t work, then Greg Abbott just wasted a whole bunch of money going to Cuba.

Ted, you got your tang tungled.


This Explains Donald Trump

March 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so voting is a good thing.  Unless you let people do it.

You would think that after a bridge in Hungry (yes, I know is Hungary. I was tired when I wrote this and … well, hungry.)  it’s named The Stephen Colbert bridge by popular internet vote, even the British would understand that letting the internet vote on things is a bad idea.

But, no.

A state of the art ship funded by the UK government for polar research may soon be christened “Boaty McBoatface” if online voters get their way.

In Hungry, they decided to ignore the will of the people and name the bridge after someone the powers that be liked better.

I’m pretty sure that the same will hold true for the Republican National Convention.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.


Texas: Where Jesus Hangs Out A Lot

March 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

About a decade ago, I told you about a lady in East Texas who found Jesus on her laundry room floor.


She explained …

“I’m not trying to show off, but I feel like I should share it with everyone,” Lacina said. “The Lord wouldn’t appreciate it if I didn’t show it to anyone.”

Well, it appears that every decade or so, God comes to East Texas.

One East Texas man believes he found fossils from Noah’s flood and a self-proclaimed fossil expert says he’s right.

“From Noah’s flood to my front yard, how much better can it get,” Wayne Propst said.

Yeah, the Indiana Jones of Tyler.  (Click here for a fabulous two minute video.)

The teevee station, in the interest of fairness and egg on their face, concludes …

For the record, we have not independently verified if the rocks are in fact historic.

Yeah, but who wants to ruin a good tourist business.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.