I Give Up
Satire is dead.
Thanks to Jorge for the heads up.
Satire is dead.
Thanks to Jorge for the heads up.
There is a special place in hell for people like Rick Snyder.
It seems Snyder has gone and hired himself two defense attorneys to deal with the mess arising out of Flint, but he’s making the people of Flint pay for it. And every other taxpayer in the state.
That’s because their official job is to handle all the lawsuits directed at the State from an “investigatory” standpoint. But defending the “State” is actually defending the Governor, and all of the leg work, research and other legal dumpster diving they do on his behalf is covered by the good people of Michigan to the tune of nearly half a million bucks.
Why “nearly” $500,000? Because each lawyer is getting $249,000 for working just the rest of this year. Coincidentally, that’s $1,000 below the threshold where Snyder’s expenditure would have to go before a review board.
Snyder may be going to Hell in a taxpayer-funded bucket, but when he gets there, he’ll spend eternity with nothing to drink but molten lead.
Ted Cruz ate a booger on live teevee last night and that was the least disgusting and offensive thing that happened all night.
Everybody senses that the GOP National Convention will be a-damn-mazing.
Overall, the debate was another mess. The crowd sounded like a bunch of angry goons. If you’re waiting for the Republican convention to see the GOP fall apart, you don’t need to wait any more. It happened tonight. It was a national embarrassment.
Remember the good ole days when somebody asked Bill Clinton “boxers or briefs?” and it was a national scandal? Yeah well, that’s over.
Comes from Austin, Texas —
Bernie Sanders may want to expand his anti-billionaire appeal to a new set of potential allies. The Republican Party was blessed with an overabundance of under-chromosomed candidates for President because each and every one had a pet billionaire or two bankrolling them, via Citizens United. And now, thanks to a self-funding billionaire, they are staring down both barrels of existential Trumpageddon. Who more than the GOP squirearchy, fervently wishing all billionaires aboard RMS Titanic in situ, is more ready to Feel the Bern?
However, let’s look at the Big, Big Picture and wonder – is the destruction of the Republican Party good for America?
By just the Big Picture, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” The Republican Party of Goldwaterism has been artificially propped up like a tin-pot dictator long past his expiration date. Brain-dead since the election of Reagan, they’ve gone anti-reality in order to cater to a succession of “Majorities,” which were really just various crank minorities cobbled together by Atwater and Rove to milk for donations and votes. The sooner that ends, and with it the obstructionism of Congress, and the concomitant triumph of progressive reason, the better off we all will be. Goldwaterism is what ails America. Immediate relief via ass-ectomy is the prescription under the Big Picture.
But what about the Big, Big Picture? America is naturally a fractious people. Should a significant portion of the electorate be completely marginalized and essentially disfranchised? I’m inclined to say, “hell, YES! And it would serve them right!” But isn’t that essentially what they, as individuals and collectively, have been fearing would happen? Isn’t being treated as a minority exactly how they treated other minorities been their 3-AM-staring-at-the-ceiling worry, and the rationale for EVERYTHING that’s brought them to existential Trumpageddon?
Wouldn’t it make us just like them if we did?
So clearly, a fragmented Right would be wrong, right?
Wrong! BREAK ‘EM UP! The Republican Party should fragment because marginalizing and disfranchising their voters is precicely what they’ve been doing. Nixon used to rationalize: “I can’t do what’s right for the country if I can’t get elected.” But then they went and made the act of getting elected – not the result, but the actual process – wrong for the country, and inherently undemocratic.
The Republican Party should drink the hemlock for their own crimes against America. They should embrace Trumpageddon, let this play out and let Trump become the nominee, then walk out and form a new party. Let the entire Republican Party fragment into the Conservative Party, the Christian Republican Party, the Grand Old Republican Party and The NationalTrumpalist Party.
Rather than marginalized and disfranchised, current Republican voters would then be able to have their platforms fully and frankly aired, and they’d be free to nominate according to their own whims and dictates, and they’d have more power to do so thanks to… Democrats?
Yes, Democrats! Because the unified Democrats can take advantage of their fragmentation to square the Supreme Court, to save the planet from overheating, to destroy the concept that money equals speech, to design a fair system of federally-funded elections, and to outlaw gerrymandering as a horse-whipping offense, to the empowerment of all segments of the electorate – Left, Center, and Right.
Thus empowered we Democrats can follow suit and fragment to the four winds, and isn’t this what Bernie’s been saying all along? To drop the ideas of the marketplace and rebuild the marketplace of ideas? To end the politics of money and begin again with just plain politics in its truest small-d democratic sense?
We can all embrace that end goal, but it’s going to take a village to get us there.