Archive for February, 2016

Very Cool

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today Republicans voted for the 60th time to repeal Obamacare because, you know, if they do it enough times maybe somebody will slip up and vote wrong.

They repeat the same thing over and over just like the movie Groundhog Day.  Except today really is groundhog day.

That’s a very cool scientific fact.


Well, That Sounds Reasonable

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dr. Ben Carson is plenty upset this morning and you can tell because he’s raised his voice to an audible level.

Carson is claiming that Cruz’s supporters told caucus goers that Carson had dropped out of the race.  He presents this evidence.


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That was tweeted (or in King’s case, Twited) at 7:20 pm last night – as the caucuses were being called to order.

Carson says he has not, absolutely not, dropped out.  Yes, he did go home to Florida yesterday before the caucuses, but it was an emergency.

He needed to change clothes.


“Dr. Ben Carson is not suspending his presidential campaign, which is stronger than ever,” a statement sent out to reporters read. “After spending 18 consecutive days on the campaign trail, Dr. Carson needs to go home and get a fresh set of clothes.”

Heretofore little known fact: they do not have washing machines in Iowa.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

Keeping Ahead of the Cynical Curve

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No matter how cynical I get, it’s hard to keep up.

Today I got to see how my Medicare dollars are being re-routed to Ted Cruz.  Ted’s SuperPac, ironically named Stand for Truth, revealed on Sunday night that they had raised $2.5 million.

A hunk of that money came from one family and it’s a family who had never been large political donors before. The Petras family owns assisted living facilities all across the country.


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Tax cuts for the rich are a glorious thing and spending a little money to keep a bunch of money is just how business is done.

But in this case, I suspect that they would like to see HHS oversight of assisted living facilities eliminated, reduced to the barest possible minimum , or, horrors, turned over to the states.

So, if you want grandma in an assisted living facility with no oversight, Ted’s your guy!  Make American Filthy Again!

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

And the winners is….

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Once again, Iowa demonstrated their schizophrenic divide between Republican Evangelicals and reality-based life forms. As gratifying as it was to see the Donald go down en flambé watching Cruz ooze his way through a victory speech – I could only watch because I quickly muted it until Hillary came on – nearly made my gorge rise.

That, and playing my own drinking game solo.

As for Hillary, what can we say? She became the first Clinton ever to win the Iowa Caucus. And it was a win, however narrow.   Iowa being half outside the space-time continuum – like Glocca Morra or Brigadoon – in 2012 Mitt Romney woke up the winner, Santorum actually won a few days later, but months into the future, Ron Paul actually got most of the delegates while no one was looking. With that as our template, Martin O’Malley will be able to swagger into the convention with Iowa in his pocket.

Nevertheless, for the purposes of our game, we are going with the outcomes as they now stand.

Cruz 27.7%, Trump 24.3, Rubio 23.1, Carson 9.3, Paul 4.5, Bush 2.8, Fiorina-Kasich-Huckabee-Christie just south of 2%, and your 2012 winner Santorum limps in as a rounding error, the wrong kind of 1-percenter.

Clinton 49.9%, Sanders 49.6% and O’Malley Oh-Point-Six.

Very few customers hit the Daily Double, much less the double trifecta. Folks in the running include

Scott Bidstrup: Cruz 54, Trump 51 (I adjusted for snark) and Hillary 51, Bernie 48

PDiddie: Cruz 26, Trump 23 Rubio 20, and Clinton 53, Bernie 47

Maria: Cruz 38, Trump 35, Rubio 26 and Clinton 54, Sanders 46

And so we congratulate PDiddie, pundit extraordinaire, as our winner! P, you have the admiration of your fellow salon customers, and here on February 2, you are crowned Political Groundhog of the Week. (Does the “P” stand for “Punxsatawney?”)

Study up for next week!


Helping Bubba

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some of you have asked how you can help with Bubba’s primary election.  Here’s how.

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Hazel Lundy is our volunteer field director.  She is running phone banks and block walks for us and two other candidates we really like.  She has people willing to sit there for hours calling voters so she needs to feed them.  This is Texas, you know.  So, if you would put $5 or $10 in an envelope and mail it to her, she can keep the gumbo and chili coming and we can keep the phones ringing and the doors knocking.

I will tell you this.  Hazel is so honest that you could play dice with her over the phone.  If you don’t trust the mail, just make the check out to Hazel Lundy. And, if you would include a little note thanking Hazel for helping Bubba, I will love you forever.

Early voting starts February 16th and runs until election day on March 1st.  That’s when we need the most help.

Mail it to: Democrats, POBox 785, Richmond, Texas 77469

(Under Texas election law, Hazel can raise $500 without forming a PAC. Hazel does not want to have squat to do with a PAC.  She ain’t putting up with their crap.)


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You guys are the best.  No, wait.  Hazel is the best but you guys are a close second.


One Good Thing About This Morning

February 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized