Archive for February, 2016

How Low Can You Go?

February 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


President Obama’s $4.1 trillion budget for the government was formally submitted to Congress today, however, in an unprecedented move, it will not receive so much as a formal hearing from the Republican controlled House and Senate budget committees.

You know, Congressboys, you can ignore him all you want to and even pretend he’s not there but he’s real and he’s not going away until after November.

And the next time the President comes to congress, they are going to have Paul Ryan stick out his foot and trip him, to be followed by gales of giggling from the Republican side of the House.

Four words: Grow. The. Hell. Up.

No, wait, five words: Grow. The. Hell. Up. Jerk.


And the winner of NH is… and what’s left

February 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sanders dominated the Democratic primary with as close to a home-court advantage as you can have without actually being from New Hampshire.  There is a solid third of the Republican Party that keep white sheets on hangers instead of in a linen closet.  They catapulted Trump to victory.

Although 8% of the vote is still out, the die is cast solidly enough for the outcomes to allow us to name our winner.  Virtually everyone chose Bernie to defeat Hillary, and a handful of us correctly identified the top five finishers on the GOP side as Trump, Kasich, Cruz, Bush and Rubio.  However, only one person picked Kasich to finish as high as he did, and has the rest in order, with Christie in 6th to boot! For a second straight week, congrats to PDiddie.  The rest of us better step it up, as PDiddie seems to have a disturbingly uncanny insight into the mind of the average voting snacilbupeR.

As to what it all means?  Well, I think we will bid Snarly and Mental Ben adieu.  The Outlaw Jersey Whale is probably slouching towards oblivion as well.  The Rubio Bubble has burst, he will be shoring up for the swing south.  Cruz will remain on hand as the Teavangelical.  Bush is climbing the ranks of the Neocons but suddenly John Kasich – who risked his OH voter registration by relocating to New Hampshire since Labor Day – is now the flavor of the weak.

The campaign trail splits from here with the Democrats heading to caucus in Nevada, where labor usually plays an outsize role.  Bernie has picked up some locals, including the IBEW, but earlier this year Sanders campaign shenanigans ticked off the powerful Culinary Union, who have nevertheless declined to endorse anyone this cycle.  Meanwhile Hillary has the national endorsement of the SEIU, the most powerful labor player in Nevada.

The GOP, on the other hand, heads to South Carolina, cradle of rebellion.  So, obviously, Trump has the advantage.  But as the field narrows, so will his leads.  His support seems to have a top-end.  But he will continue to attack whoever is closest to him, and right now that seems to be Kasich:  listen for the words “Lehman Brothers” to echo about the Palmetto State, yawped by the mouth of a New York Palmetto Bug.

Both the Dem NV Caucus and the GOP SC Primary take place on Saturday, Feb. 20th.  So study up!


Shake You Head Now, Alito

February 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when President Barack Obama denounced Citizens United during the State of the Union, calling it “opening the floodgates.”  And then Justice Samuel Alito shook his head no and mouthed “not true.”

Yeah, Sam, true.

And now they’re just making fun of you.

Check out this new SuperPAC application sent to the FEC requesting that they Don’t Approve This SuperPAC.  Yeah, that’s the name of the SuperPAC, Don’t Approve This SuperPAC.

They are laughing at you, Sam.


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And then to giggle even louder, they set up a pretty cool website.  You can go there or not.  They pretty much don’t care.  But don’t give them money.  They don’t want money.  They just want to make fun of the damn Supreme Court.


I Love Yew, Florida

February 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Only in Florida would you have a drive-by gatoring.

Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 10.24.38 AMFish and Wildlife Commission officials say 23-year-old Joshua James pulled up for his order and after a server handed over a drink and turned around James reached into the back of his truck and tossed the 3-and-a-half foot gator through the drive-thru window.

The incident report showed a picture of the gator inside the restaurant.

I guess he wanted to biggie-size that.

But justice is swift in Florida —

During his first court appearance Tuesday morning a judge ordered James to stay out of all Wendy’s restaurants, to avoid contact or possession with any animals other than his mother’s dog, to undergo a mental health evaluation and to avoid possessing any weapons. If he fails a random drug and alcohol test his bond will be rescinded. Bond was set at $6,000.

I’m sad to report that his mother’s dog hasn’t been seen since Joshua got mad at the Hello Kitty store at the mall.

Thanks to Sam for the heads up.

He Chuckled

February 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Marco Rubio doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Marco Rubio is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make New Hampshire more like the rest of the hateful states.

220px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressIn New Hampshire yesterday, Marco Rubio got his automatically repeating butt confronted by a happily married man who owns a nice restaurant, has three children, and is registered as an Independent. To Rubio’s chagrin, the man, Timothy Kierstead, is married to a man. Kierstead asked Rubio, “Why do you want to put me back in the closet?”

“I don’t,” Mr. Rubio replied. “You can live any way you want.”

You know, except married, and any of the benefits attached thereto because you’re not worthy.

But that wasn’t the funnest moment of the day.

Sexuality, it seems, was a recurring theme during Mr. Rubio’s visit to the diner. A different patron in the same restaurant, a 92-year-old woman, asked Mr. Rubio about the personal life of Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“He’s a bachelor, right?” the woman asked.

“He is,” Mr. Rubio said.

Then she asked, “Is he gay?”

Mr. Rubio chuckled. “No,” he replied.

And let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Lindsey Graham doesn’t know what he’s doing. Lindsey Graham knows exactly what he’s doing. Lindsey Graham is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make this country totally blind to stuff.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

They Have “Gun Shows” in Idaho, Y’all.

February 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, they call them “Gun Shows” but it appears to be more of a shoot-out than a gun show.

For the second time at the Expo Idaho Gun Show, innocent bystanders got shot.  They guy who did the shooting last October finally got indicted this week.

Turner was working as a gun show vendor at Expo Idaho when the shooting happened the morning of Oct. 31. According to the Ada County Sheriff’s Office, Turner told deputies he was attaching a zip tie to the trigger assembly of a bolt-action rifle when the gun went off.

The bullet hit a 51-year-old man and a 64-year-old man in the leg. The 64-year-old went to the hospital, but was not seriously injured, the sheriff’s office said.

Most old farts around the beauty salon here just get together and play dominoes.  In Idaho, they shoot each other “accidentally.”

You know, Idaho is a pretty big place with very few people.  It seems to me that the odds of firing a gun and hitting somebody are pretty slim.  Mostly you’d just hit empty space.  Unless you’re at a gun show, then it’s katy-bar-the-door.

The accidental shooting came just two years after two people were hurt when a gun discharged at a 2013 gun show at Expo Idaho. One man injured in the 2013 shooting lost his vision in one eye.

So it’s a biannual thing, huh?