Archive for January, 2016

I Inadvertently Forgot That I Won The Million Dollar Citicorp Lottery

January 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It happens all the time.  I borrow a million dollars and then oops I forgot.

Come to find out, Mr. Jesus Lights My Path Ted Cruz, borrowed campaign money from Goldman Sachs, where his wife worked, and Citicorp.  His campaign reports never showed it because saying that all his money came from his own savings made a far better story.

… in the first half of 2012, Ted and Heidi Cruz obtained the low-interest loan from Goldman Sachs, as well as another one from Citibank. The loans totaled as much as $750,000 and eventually increased to a maximum of $1 million before being paid down later that year. There is no explanation of their purpose.

Ted’s story was that Jesus favored him because look at all the money Jesus gave him.  He literally said that his campaign money was all his and that it was their entire savings.  See, he knew that was a lie.

Plus, he got a special low-interest rate on these loans.

Part of the loans were used to fund the run-off campaign in Texas for the Senate.

ted-cruz-really-24784_186x186Mr. Cruz, a conservative former Texas solicitor general, was campaigning as a populist firebrand who criticized Wall Street bailouts and the influence of big banks in Washington. It is a theme he has carried into his bid for the Republican nomination for president.

Earlier this year, when asked about the political clout of Goldman Sachs in particular, he replied, “Like many other players on Wall Street and big business, they seek out and get special favors from government.”

Yeah, like their own Senator.

Now here’s the part that explains why he had to take out a loan.

While the Cruzes were well paid — he made more than $1 million a year as a law partner, and she earned a six-figure income as an executive in Goldman Sachs’s Houston office — they also had big bills, including mortgage payments and full-time child care.

Yeah, they had a mortgage and child care.  Bless their hearts, how the hell are they supposed to live on a million dollars a year if they have a mortgage and child care.  Why, you’d have to be a magician to do that!  Goodness gracious, America is lucky that only Ted Cruz has mortgage and child care payments.

Cruz’s campaign called not reporting the loans “inadvertent” and stressed that they would correct the reports now.

Okay, here’s my question: can we forget that Cruz won that election and correct it now?


Given Enough Time, All This Is Gonna Work Itself Out

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it happened in Texas  and I really don’t even know where to start.

A group of guys were organizing to go to Oregon to be with their Freedom brothers, then a semi-bad thing happened.

It was first announced via radio —

“Dear friends it’s my dearest regrets to have to share this heart breaking new (sic) with you tonight. That OUR fellow patriot and brother Charles Carter is no longer with us. He gone to be with Jesus. Today killed by a fellow patriot Vincent Smith. Who was suppose (sic) to be his brother in arms and friend,” posted online radio host Keith Williams, who described himself as the victim’s next of kin.

Bill Williamson, another right-wing “patriot” associated with the Oregon militants, said in a Facebook post that Smith shot Carter in a drunken dispute over a gun.

They are still sorting it all out, but … here’s where they are at now.

Self-defender Smith

Self-defender Smith

Williamson said Smith called him a short time later to say that U.S. Marshals had agreed the fatal shooting was self-defense.

A member of the 3% Idaho militia group, which showed up late last week at the ongoing occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, paid tribute to his friend but said Carter “violated one of the first rules of firarms (sic) safety.”

“NEVER mix guns & booze,” said the militia member, who calls himself Joe Bleaugh.

Or dumb and booze, for that matter.  Or guns and dumb.  Or just quit mixing crap, okay?

Get it?  Joe Bleaugh?

Bubba Hank II says that the federal officials should deliver a case of Jack Daniels to the Oregon Boys and by tomorrow afternoon at 3:30, it will all be over.


I Have Become a Born-Again Birther

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First, there’s an editorial in the Washington Post from a constitutional scholar explaining why Ted Cruz cannot be president and it doesn’t include the words “because he’s a blowhard fool” anywhere in it, which proves it’s a better job writing than I can do.

James Madison, known as the “father of the Constitution,” stated, “It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. . . . [And] place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States.”

Cruz is, of course, a U.S. citizen. As he was born in Canada, he is not natural-born.

This scholar also points out the errant ways of those who try to twist the constitution to say that Ted, who is blowhard fool, can be president.  She says they “misapply and ignore the relevant law.”  You know, as does the blowhard fool, Ted Cruz.



And then, there’s this.  Ted’s Mom may have become a Canadian citizen herself.

Yet Cruz’s mother’s name appears on a Canadian government document, obtained by TPM in 2013, that lists Canadian citizens eligible to vote in 1974.

Well, theres the other possibility – she may have been trying to commit voter fraud.  That might be compensation for having given birth to a blowhard fool.

But the Number One Reason Ted Cruz Can’t Be Pesident?


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There ya go.


Because, Admit It!, You Wanted To Know What Rick Perry Could Actually Do For a Living.

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry has never had a honest-to-goodness real job his entire life.  His entire adult life has been spent on the public dole as a government employee.  And he became a millionaire doing it, which, you must admit, is impressive money management.

So, he recently had to find a damn job.

That was not as hard as you’d suspect for a guy who can’t do diddle squat.  While he was running for governor and then later running for president, a group called MCNA Dental, a Fort Lauderdale-based company, gave him about $57,000.

pension-shocker-rick-perry-is-double-dipping-into-the-texas-state-coffersMCNA Dental — which has contracts with the Texas, Florida and Louisiana Medicaid programs, according to its website — was the top donor to Perry’s presidential bid, which ended in September, donating $37,800 directly to his campaign, according to MCNA Dental also gave $20,000 to Texans for Rick Perry, Perry’s state political action committee, in 2010, according to state records.

So when MCNA needed someone to lobby Florida Governor Rick Scott, guess who they picked?  Rick, of course. Swanky move because this send a double message, “We take care of you now, and we take care of you later.”  Not your teeth, of course – you political and personal money needs.

MCNA wants to let Rick Scott know that here’s a cushy job for him, too, after he leaves office if his state uses their dental program.  The best part is that they never have to say a word.  Slick Rick is there to show it in living color.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

Louie! We’ve Missed You!

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey!  Louie is back!

You know the American sailors whose small boats strayed into Iran’s waters and Iran took them captive because that’s what you do if somebody’s in your waters.

And remember how they immediately said they would release the soldiers?

Well, in that three second, Louie Gohmert tried to declare nuclear war.

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) questions U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in Washington“When our Navy ships have problems, we don’t call Iran,” Gohmert blustered, “we call the rest of the Navy, we can call the Air Force, the Army, the Marines, the Coast Guard. We don’t call Iran!”

“For the Iranians to even issue a statement at all saying, ‘We are going to release them soon,’ tells you that they control whether or not they can leave,” he continued. “That situation should not be allowed to happen … We should demand that Iran let these people go, our Navy men or women, whatever they are, let them go or we’re going to start taking your ships out one at a time.”

I wonder what part of “we were in their waters” Louie doesn’t understand.

Louie gets up every morning determined to start an international incident.  He must be a helluva neighbor.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Ann Coulter’s Adam’s Apple Exploded, Y’all

January 13, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m pretty sure that if you’re here, you know a thing or three about politics.

I’m pretty sure that you know Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, who has some hoochy baggage of her own and was so far right that she turned down Medicaid money for her state, tried to become the voice of reason for the GOP last night.

As long as Ann Coulter can find a way to dance around the room in a black cocktail dress, Reasonable Republican will remain an oxymoron.

Ann exploded on Tweeter last night because apparently Nikki Haley loves terrorists.

She wants Donald Trump to deport Nikki Haley. Yeah, deport.


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I do not know where Coulter wants Haley to be exiled.  Maybe drowning in a sea of peroxide?

There, of course, is more.


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Oh yes, Ann Coulter, the Christian icon.

And more  …

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No, Ann, not the voters.  Just you, Honey.

So, from 9:29 to 9:36 last night, Ann Coulter dropped a hate clip into her AK47 mouth.

Ya think maybe we’re looking at the next Mrs. Trump?