Archive for December, 2015

South Carolina, My Goodness

December 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, the Christmas season does not mellow folks in South Carolina. This year ain’t even over and they’re already filing bills to hate people for next year.

South Carolina GOP state Rep. Bill Chumley has pre-filed a 2016 bill that aims to “nullify” the US Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage.

Just go ahead and secede.  I do not know a damn thing I need that says “Made in South Carolina.”



It looks like Chummy, who also tried to nullify Obamacare, is all about being a proud American.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

Chris Christie and Other Children

December 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Chris Christie is campaigning in New Hampshire, where he barely speaks the language.  He gave a rambling answer to a question about which bathrooms transgendered children should use.  Since he didn’t have an answer, he changed the topic from transgendered children to terrorism.

[He answered a question]… about which bathrooms transgender children should be allowed to use, saying that with the threat of terrorism “life is confusing enough” for children.

Yeah, transgendered bathrooms are confusing for children.

You know what else is confusing for children?


Math is confusing for children.

Childen are also confused about …

Who Miss Universe actually is.

How that whole bedtime thing works.

Is  schlong an actual Yiddish word?

Why the hell did the Governor close my bridge when I needed to go to the bathroom?  Any bathroom at all.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.




I Have Bad News and Worse News. Which Do You Want to Hear First?

December 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I’m not giving you a choice.  You get to hear both damn near simultaneously.

220px-Sylvia_Allen_by_Gage_SkidmoreI have told you about Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen, who is just one Margarita short of hallelujahing herself into public nudity.  We met her here back when she was trying to force people to go to church on Sunday morning — any church they wanted just so long it was Baptist.

Well, she’s back in the news, the bad news.

An Arizona lawmaker who believes the Earth is 6,000 years old is the new chairwoman of the state Senate committee that oversees education-related legislation.

She also believes that the government is regulating the weather through chew-trails, and that the earth is 6,000 years old.

They put her in charge of education.

The worse news?

Pundits are predicting that Arizona education will become like Texas education and I live in Texas and people are laughing at me.

Who wants to bet Arizona’s about to head down the same, sorry road as Texas? You have to feel bad for the students who are about to receive a sub-standard education thanks to elected leaders who thinks public schools are part of some liberal conspiracy.

Same sorry road as Texas?

That hurts, y’all.

Thanks to Alan for the heads up.

Y’all Are Famous in Texas

December 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie right here what you did:

(Click the little one to get the big one.)


Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 8.19.20 AM

Your friend and mine, Glen Maxey at the Texas Democratic Party, sent this to every county chair and SDEC member in Texas.

Glen’s special project of getting mail ballot applications in the hands of Texas Democrats over the age of 65 was an amazing success.  I know this because Glen hoards exclamation points.  When he gets real generous with them, you know the earth is shaking.

We went from 110,000 applications statewide in 2014 to $290,000 this year, and that’s not including Harris or Dallas Counties.

And if you’ll look real close, you will see yourself.

In 2016, with the help of a lot of County Chairs, SDEC members, officeholders and lots of small donors (especially Susan Bankston and her website), we will mail …

Indeed, indeed job well done.

Thanks again, Guys.  Texas Democrats love yew!


White Privilege

December 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so that karma-kicked Martin Shkreli and he got arrested for stock fraud.

He has a co-defendant in the case, his lawyer Evan Greebel.

greebel_evan-300x404So, it’s Christmas and times are tough for everybody.  Except Evan Greebel.

Both Martin Shkreli and his co-defendant Evan Greebel were arrested by the FBI last week, but Greebel gets to fly to Cancun for a family vacation before he heads to court.

According to his motion, he booked plans for the 10-day trip this past spring. In addition to his wife, he’ll be traveling with his three young children, his mother-in-law and father-in-law and another close relative. He has already put up his home in Scarsdale as part of the $1 million bail on which he was released, and would lose the house if he flees while out of the country.

Okay, so the court lets him put up his house for his $1 million bond.  This is a guy with probably about $20 gazillion.  Yeah, he’s going to come back to collect his one million dollar house.

So, think about Evan Greebel soaking in the sun this Christmas while you freeze your tail off and try to pay outrageous drug prices.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.


December 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Presidential hopeful and United States Senator Marco Rubio either speaks a different language than I do or operates in an entirely alternate universe.  Could be either or both.

220px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressRubio has been making stump speeches railing against the spending package as a “massive, grotesque piece of legislation.”  Goodness sake, you’d think we were killing kittens with the way he talks.

But, hell, it’s only talk, and Rubio is real good at talk.  Ask him to walk and he stumbles.

When CBS News asked him why he didn’t bother to go vote against the spending package …

Asked why he wouldn’t make his point about the spending package by physically being on Capitol Hill, Rubio said his message was clear.

“In essence, not voting for it, is a vote against it,” said Rubio.

Uh, wanna ‘splain that to me again?   That’s not how math works.  I’m pretty sure of that.

And what makes this eye-roll weird is that the day before, he was on Fox News  …

Rubio’s absence from the Senate on Friday was a bit surprising because he suggested on Fox News’ “Happening Now” a day earlier that he could try and slow down the spending package and interfere with the process leading up to the final vote.

“We can most certainly slow this process down and force them to go back and make changes to it. There’s no doubt that we can and we should and we will,” he said.

I dunno if he was drunk or lost but he didn’t show up.  And it was after he promised to show up and spit in the punch bowl.

I’m betting on lost.  Bless his heart, not only is her lost, he’s losing to a wild man.