Archive for September, 2015

Here’s What I Think

September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the deal the way I see it.

Jeb! Bush had a plan.  He was going to be the “sunny disposition” candidate, all smiles and Reaganesque charm. Then, in the general election, he was going to paint Hillary Clinton as a hard hearted, grumpy bitch, while he’s Mr. Cool.

That plan isn’t working out too well, thanks to Donald Trump.

jeb-bushHe said last year that he would run for president only if he could do so with a sunny spirit, but Mr. Trump, the surprise leader in the polls, has turned this summer into a miserable one for Mr. Bush, gleefully ignoring the traditional rules of political engagement.

There is the personal ridicule — continually questioning Mr. Bush’s vigor, invoking a since-retracted statement by his mother, Barbara Bush, that “we’ve had enough Bushes” in the White House, and on Wednesday suggesting that Mr. Bush should stop speaking Spanish.

Bush has responded by attacking back, but he’s not very good at it.  He spends most of his time answering Trump’s ridicule. Jeb! has as much chance of surviving his sunny spirit as a steer in a meat packing plant.

So Jeb! ends up chasing grasshoppers while the pigs eat the corn, chasing after pests instead of protecting the ideas of this election.

I suspect Jeb! is feeling mighty temporary when Mitt Romney starts talking about entering the race.

The sunny spirit candidate is getting sand kicked in his face and he has no idea what to do about it. Watching him try to defend being bilingual and not having enough energy is pathetic, but entertaining.

Remember how Rick Perry’s smart glasses didn’t work?  Neither is Jeb!’s exclamation point.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: But, Honey, But, But, But …. Edition

September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s mosey on over to Virginia this morning to check out the emergency room.

635767934567257601-Powell-2c-Lewis-SilasThe 53-year-old woman was taken to the hospital for treatment of a non-life threatening gunshot to the face. Her husband, 55-year-old Lewis Powell was arrested and charged with reckless handling of a firearm.

Well, his story is that it was accidental.  He probably doesn’t remember though.

Police said their investigation revealed both husband and wife had been drinking and had both handled the firearm.

Ah, everybody’s favorite game – vodka roulette.


Bless His Heart

September 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pretty soon I won’t have Rick Perry to kick around any more and damn I’m sad about that.

Key players in Rick Perry’s campaign are starting to see the writing on the wall spelling doom to the former Texas governor’s presidential prospects.

The Perry campaign’s New Hampshire political director Dante Vitagliano became the latest staffer to step down after he announced late Tuesday that he plans to join Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s team instead.

It seems the only news Perry’s campaign is generating these days has been a series of unflattering headlines about staffers defecting to competing campaigns.


You wanna know whoo else is heartbroken about this?  Anita Perry.  This means Rick is coming back home.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Unattempted Suicide

September 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deleon Smith, who lives right here in Texas, was taking selfies to post online to show what a cool dude he is, being as how he has a gun and all.

He, of course, shot himself.  He died.

The victim’s family told CBS Houston affiliate KHOU-TV that Smith is survived by two young daughters and that he was a fun-loving person.


Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

Me Tarzan. You Not.

September 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, let’s head on down to that bastion of enlightenment, Perryville, Missouri.

The school board was meeting in closed session when board member Mark Gremaud didn’t agree with board member Nancy Voelker and expressed his disagreement by saying, “Kathy, you are just a woman, the only thing you know is laying on your back with your legs in the air splayed.”

Apparently board member Gremaud prefers the missionary position.  Despite that …

The council voted 4-3 to censure Gremaud, and also requested that he resign from his position.

Here’s the deal.


The 2015 Board of Education The 2015-16 Board of Education includes (from left) Rick Francis, Scott Hotop, Jeff Weibrecht, Nancy Voelker, Kathy Carron, Mark Gremaud and Kevin Bachmann.

Okay, so now you gotta wonder which three think it’s pretty much okay that one school board member speak to another school board member about preferred sexual positions and her role in that.  I’m figuring the guy speaking is one of them.  I’m going the with guy with the creepy grin second from the left and the guy on the end with the weird beard.

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.  








Okay, So Maybe They Should Have Asked for Beer Cans Instead

September 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that County Clerk Kim Davis ain’t gonna get rich off this stunt.

Too damn bad they won’t let you donate two cents.

And if she had any hopes for a stylist at her next wedding, she can count that out, too.