Archive for September, 2015

Tacky Time

September 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am on a tacky rampage.

Take a look at the Texas State Representatives and Senators celebrating the tenth anniversary of the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas.



No, seriously, take a real good look.  There’s not a one of them who could get laid at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and a fifty dollar bill stapled to their forehead.

But these sumbitches are gonna cost the taxpayers of the state of Texas $740,000 in attorneys fees so they could fight gay marriage.

I think that bill should be immediately turned over to the First Baptist Church of every city in Texas.  From what I can see, they ain’t doin’ much good with their money anyhow.

I hope they choke on their damn cake.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


September 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s mosey on up to Vermont where family values State Senator Norman H. McAllister, a 68 year old Republican, got himself arrested last week.

Screen Shot 2015-09-05 at 8.41.09 AMA Vermont state senator has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts of sexual assault and three misdemeanors of prohibited acts, the charges arising from what police describe as a sex-for-rent scheme involving several unwilling tenants.

Prosecutors allege Sen. Norman H. McAllister, R-Franklin, over a period of several years sexually assaulted two women who were his tenants and employees, and that he attempted to solicit a third woman.

I am shocked, shocked I tell you.  There’s a Republican in Vermont?

Thanks to Wyatt Earl for the heads up.


September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart.

Perry was on Fox News after Trump said during an news conference that the former governor was getting out of the GOP race.

Perry began by misusing a cliche.

“A broken clock is right once a day,” Perry said.

Oh dear.

There’s Rick Perry – not right even once a day.

Thanks to Susan on the left coast for the heads up.

Just Leaving This Right Here

September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Liberty University, the conservative Christian college for conservative Christians has just broken ground on an exciting new project! It’s a monolithic tower of manhood that will proudly stand at attention at the center of the University’s campus, straining as far towards heaven as its structure will allow.

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Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Oh, Bless Your Heart, Rand

September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As our friend Ralph says, “The Internet is not a safe place.”

Rand Paul had this bright idea that people could take a selfie with him if he uploaded an app that could do that.

So he did.

And so we did.

I’ll share a couple here.

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.Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

I Have a Question

September 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

With all the Republican presidential candidates lining up behind Kim Davis, how the fool tarnation can we trust that these guys will follow the law if elected?

Honey, when Lindsey Graham is the voice of reason, your party to totally screwed up.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.