Archive for August, 2015

Happy Birthday, LBJ!

August 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




Politicking from the Pulpit

August 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Governor Greg Abbott knows what’s wrong with America.

It’s that whole separation of church and state thing.

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Greg and Ted Nugent, Christians

In an exclusive interview with The Brody File in Austin, Texas Governor Greg Abbott says America will continue to deteriorate unless pastors get involved in the cultural issues of the day. “The people who attend these congregations or pastor these congregations do not turn out and vote and we are dealing with the consequences by the failure of Christians to go vote.”

Yeah, not enough politicking from the pulpit.

What this country needs are more preachers willing to tell their congregation that Democrats are hell bound infidels who want to give your tax money to little crippled children but you should give it to me instead so I can buy another mansion.

Religious liberty from the Bible is in the issues that Christians believe in have become hostile in the mainstream politics and there is one key reason for it and that’s because the people who attend these congregations or pastor these congregations do not turn out and vote and we are dealing with the consequences by the failure of Christians to go vote.”

Hey Tootles, it got your butt elected.

And, Greg, where does your good buddy, Ted Nugent, fit into all this?

Greg can kiss my big blue butt.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

Anchor Babies Don’t Anchor Crap

August 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal:  there is no such thing as anchor babies.

It doesn’t work the way Republicans want you to think it does.  You do not get a home free card because you give birth in the United States.

If you’re born in this country to undocumented immigrants, there’s nothing you can do to help your parents or other family members stay here until you’re 21 years old.

All during that intervening time, the undocumented family members are subject to deportation, and many have been.

Furthermore, the success of the petition to get U.S. green cards relies on the ability of that 21-year-old former “anchor baby” to support his or her family members financially without receiving any welfare or other need-based government assistance for them.

And in order to be eligible for legal status, the undocumented relatives have to return to their home country, and then petition the U.S. for re-entry. If it is determined that they had been living in the U.S. illegally for more than a year, a 10-year wait is imposed on their request to return.

So this anchor is more like a fishing line sinker.

I guess I got all bent out of shape over this yesterday when a Donald Trump supporter yelled at Jorge Ramos, “Get out of my country!”

You know what, this is my country, too.  And it is Jorge Ramos’ country.  He is a United States citizen.  But he’s not white.

If you haven’t seen it ….

It also bothers me that the young woman treats Ramos like a child.  “Do you want to come back in?  You have to be called on,” in her best kindergarten teacher voice.

Is that the way Walter Cronkite would have been treated?  Hell, no.

Jorge Ramos loves conflict and he will confront it without flinching. Donald Trump can dish out conflict but he sure can’t take it.  He’s not man enough to be challenged.

There, I said it.


In Case You Were Wondering

August 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has tied up that racist vote.  David Duke just endorsed him.


David Duke, the anti-Semitic former Ku Klux Klan leader, praised Republican front-runner Donald Trump for his immigration policy proposals and said Trump is “the best of the lot.”

This tops off a week where Trump sneered “Go back to Univision” to Jorge Ramos, the Hispanic Walter Cronkite, and then had Ramos thrown out of the press conference by what appeared to be bouncers at a strip club.

“My job as a journalist is to ask questions from the powerful, and that’s what we tried to do,” Ramos said, adding that he had on various previous occasions tried to set up an interview with the presidential candidate. (Trump posted a picture of a handwritten note from Ramos to his Instagram account. The note included Ramos’ phone number.)

In an interview with ABC, Ramos said that another responsibility of being a journalist is to “denounce” the “dangerous words and extreme behavior of Donald Trump.”

You go, Jorge!

Thanks to Brian and Craig for the heads up.

Not Jesus, But Close

August 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Jan Castellano was preparing a simple breakfast of buttered toast in her Missouri home Saturday morning when she was confronted by a familiar, unwanted face.

It puckered, mouth agape with lifeless yellow eyes. It appeared to be caught mid-sentence, flagrantly dispelling angry epithets through fermented cream.

It was the face of Donald Trump in her butter.

Check your food for traces of Donald Trump before you eat.  I say this for your own good.


Oh. No. You. Don’t.

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush thinks I’m crazy.  Me, personally.  And you.  You, too.

Remember when he used the term anchor baby?  You heard it.  It was on all the channels. He shrugged when asked if it was a derogatory term and challenged, “Give me a better one.”

jeb-bushFirst he tried to back it down by saying, “I said what was anchor babies as they are commonly described.” He insisted that it wasn’t his term but just a “commonly used term.”

That didn’t work so hot, mainly because it’s a damn lie.

So he decided that a double damn lie would work better.

GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Oh no.  Bush never said the word Asian any time he was asked about his use of the term.  He did not learn the word Asian until yesterday.  What he is talking about is called birth tourism, not anchor babies.

So who ya gonna believe, him or your lyin’ ears?

This guy creeps me out. Even worse that the other Bushes. I don’t know what it is but there’s something creepy as hell about this guy.