Archive for August, 2015

Well, Here’s a Fun One

August 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes I deeply enjoy watching people throw their money away.  You know, if they are Republicans.

Here you have one of those fake Ted Cruz PACs called “TAKE BACK DC ACTION”  And here’s a list of the fools who donated $77,544 to a fake PAC.

Write that down somewhere so if you ever need a list of fools, they’ve already prepared one for you.

And how do we know that it’s a fake PAC?  Not one dime went to an independent expenditure for Ted Cruz.  It all went to fundraising more money.

Isn’t that cool?  Republicans throwing their money away.

Keep up the good work, Boys.

Okay, It Happened

August 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

According to damn good sources, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is being indicted on three felony charges on Monday.  He’s already been indicted but it won’t be announced until about noon on Monday.

He joins Tom DeLay and Rick Perry as the Three Crookateers.

He’s already claiming political retaliation.  What a jerk.

My article in Outsmart this month concerns Ken Paxton and Glen Maxey.  They didn’t indict him before press deadline.

What The Hell? (This is Kinda Big)

August 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

Those of you on political email lists already know that July 31st was a big deadline for campaign contributions.

Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen has been snooping through those campaign reports and has found some very interesting things.  I’ll tell you about them as he finds them.

First I will tell you about the one that bowled me flat over on my butt.

Why the fool tarnation would Ted Cruz’s official super PAC give Carly Fiorina’s super PAC half a million dollars?


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Fiorina is polling at 1.2%, so it’s not like she’s a hot item right now.  So why would Ted Cruz give one of his opponents half a million dollars?

Hummm …. maybe because she’s the only hooter toter in the race and the GOP needs a woman to be the attack dog on Hillary Clinton?

Oh hell, yes.

So, every time Florin attacks Hillary, there needs to be a sound clip at the end that says, “This message is paid for by Ted Cruz, the creepy man who walked around the Harvard co-ed dorm in a paisley silk housecoat.”

And this just goes to show that Republicans can’t find a woman who refuses to be their paid hooker delivery system.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.