Archive for July, 2015

How The Good Guy With a Gun Got Shot By the Bad Guy Without a Gun

July 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remind me again how this good guy with a gun thing works.

In south Florida, a 72 year old disabled Vietnam combat vet had volunteered to help protect sea turtle nests.  Stan Pannaman went with the South Florida Audubon Society president to monitor some sea turtle sites.

When they go there, they were confronted by a 38 year old man named Michael Q. McAuliffe.  McAuliffe hates the sea turtle people.  I mean, hates them.  And he expressed as much.

McAuliffe took a swing at the South Florida Audubon Society president and then came toward Pannaman.  Here’s where the story gets crazy.

“That’s when I pulled a handgun from the pocket of my shorts.”

Pannaman said he did not point the gun — a .32 caliber Kel-Tec pistol — directly at his assailant, but turned so the man could see it. “He stopped,” said Pannaman. “I thought I had defused the situation.”

And then, of course, once he had put the gun back in his pocket, the 38 year old McAuliff jumps the 72 year old disabled Pannaman and gets the gun out of his pocket.

Of.  Freekin’.  Course.

Luckily, Pannaman was able to turn away from McAuliff so he only got shot in the butt.

He explains.

“After he shot me, the guy looked like he was in shock. He looked very, very surprised. He actually headed toward me and said, ‘How are you? Are you OK?’

“Sir, you shot me. How could I be OK?” Pannaman replied.

I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but the use of the word “sir” seems a tad suspicious.

Remind me again how this good guy with a gun thing works.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

Well, I’m Glad That’s Settled

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Walker

Phew!  I was very worried that we weren’t going to war with Iran.

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And by the first day, he means on the first day he’s gonna press every red button he can get his grubby little finger on.  Hell, he’s gonna have one installed on the Bible he swears on.

I believe that a president shouldn’t wait to act until they put a cabinet together or an extended period of time, I believe they should be prepared to act on the very first day they take office,” he said. “It’s very possible, God forbid that this would happen, but very possible, that the next president could be called to take aggressive actions, including military actions, on their very first day in office.”

Yes, sireeee.  Apparently only real pussies wait until after the inaugural balls.  Walker has plans to boldly invade Iran himself.  Screw a cabinet, a secretary of state, a congress … Walker is gonna land on the deck of aircraft carrier with a big “Screw the Damn Mission; I’m Going This Alone” banner.

It’ll be cool.  He promises.


I Cannot Wait

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This September 24th, The Pope will address members of congress.  He knows he’s going into a den of thieves, right?

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.29.18 PMThe Pope has had some pretty powerful things to say about capitalism and says that being “pro-life” also includes economic equality.

Just as the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say “thou shalt not” to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills.

Okay, we here at the beauty shop are taking bets on which congressvarmint is gonna be the first to stand up and holler “You lie!” at the Pope.

I do not trust these guys to behave if somebody like the Pope tries to get between them and their sugar daddies.  Hell, there’s even some Democrats who need to look worried.

Just as an afternoon delight, I want to show you a picture one of my friends sent me.  Her grandmother loves Jesus and put what she thought was a picture of him on the mantel.



I know.  I’m going to hell.  But I just can’t help but think that Jesus would laugh at that, too.  (If you don’t get it, ask any Star Wars fan.)

I Wish I Had Thought of That

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk caught the Louie Gohmert fever and has been jabbering incoherently all over the place.

UnknownPresident “Barack Hussein Obama” aspires “to get nukes to Iran,” he told WRKO radio. The president will be responsible for “tens of thousands” of deaths in the Middle East, apparently, because in Kirk’s twisted reality, Obama is Iran’s pro-nuke agent. He even likened U.S. negotiators to 1930s European leaders who appeased Adolf Hitler.

See?  Certifiable Louie Gohmert Fever.

But the newspaper in Illinois aren’t as gentle as the newspapers in Texas.

Mark Kirk suddenly has more in common with your unhinged uncle than a deliberative member of the U.S. Senate.

Illinoisans thought they elected a center-right fiscal conservative. They instead got the love child of Michele Bachmann and Ted Cruz.

I love that line.  I do.

Thanks to Bob for the heads up.

Thank you, Mr. Trump

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Through the kindness of their hearts, a SuperPAC named the Texas Patriots PAC, has built a list for us.  It’s a handy dandy Idiots List, complete with the names and addresses of the biggest idiots in Texas.

You can click right here and then right here to see the complete list of people who bought tickets to a “Trump Event” in Texas. They spent upwards of $50,000 of perfectly good cash American money to see Donald Trump.

I even noticed a $1,667 donation from the “Friends of Cecil Bell.”  Cecil has friends?

So there you have this handy list but then comes how this PAC spent their money.  And here.

They have one paid staff person.  Oddly, considering the multiple trips to the hardware store, you gotta wonder if maybe this guy has taken it upon himself to go ahead and build a big ole wall at the border.

Click the little one to see the big one.

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So, that’s way too much money for hand painted signs.  Plus, there’s no indication they bought a dictionary.

Verdelia thinks they were buying lotsa hammers and sacks, so that if Trump ever needs a brain transplant, sack of hammer would raise his IQ by 50, 60 points.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

How Much Smart Can A Million Dollars Buy?

July 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Rick Perry SuperPAC, Opportunity and Freedom, says that they are going to spend one. million. dollars. in advertising to insure that Rick Perry comes up enough in the polls to secure a spot in the first GOP presidential debate on Fox News on August 6th.

One. Million. Dollars.

Hell, I can’t imagine who would spend one.million.dollars. for the opportunity for Rick Perry to say, “oops” on national teevee again.

This is the ad they are going to run.  And they will run it —

Barbour noted the radio advertisements will run on the conservative Salem radio network, which boasts an estimated 10 million listeners a week and includes talk shows hosted by Bill Bennett, Hugh Hewitt and Mike Gallagher.

He said the ads were aimed at reaching a “really dedicated, loyal group of conservative activists, and it’s really important we reintroduce Perry to them.”

Hell, with loyal conservative activists, just do an ad of him saying the n-word, shooting off a bazooka on a busy street, and hollering at “baby killer” to random women.  He’s be in first place before the sun set.

Thanks to Donald for the heads up.