Archive for July, 2015

Heads Up

July 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Kary grew up gay in Conroe, Texas.  That’s hard to wrap your mind around because Conroe is Redneck Mecca.  Kary went on to become a famous theater producer and is now married to Jimmie, his partner of 35 years.  This morning, Kary sent me the following story. New York City ain’t all bad, folks.

OK a quick subway story, as related by one of the dressers from “Wicked”. Spoiler alert, it has a happy ending.

When the train is crowded, we all kind of get in our bubbles and mostly keep to ourselves, a coping mechanism.

Yesterday, as sometimes happens, a subway preacher came in the dresser’s car and started laying it down. Fine, happens, listen, don’t listen, read your phone, convert, whatever; respect but not much attention.

And then, he crossed a line. “And now I want to talk about all this same sex marriage! It’s an abomination! It’s sin! It’s Satan!” And, the bubbles started breaking.

First, one person, “Shut up, man!” Then another, “That’s crap!” and then a few more joined in. The subway preacher: “You’re going to hell! Jesus hates this sin!”

Finally, somewhat spontaneously, the entire car full of strangers started chanting as one:


The preacher couldn’t get a hateful word in edgewise, the train pulled into a scheduled stop and…he got off. As the doors closed on him, the car of strangers cheered, high fived and went on their way.

And that’s one to grow on…

Thanks to Kary for telling me this story.

Redefining Words

July 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you know who might be even more fun than Donald Trump?

Chris Christie.

He’s running for Bully-in-Chief.

imagesChristie has yet to learn the difference between guts and gall.  Guts are a good thing. Speaking truth to power takes guts. However, if you ever try to push around anybody with less power, good-looks, intelligence, or money than you have, that’s bully. And that’s Christie.

So Mother Jones says don’t take our word for it, here’s actual videos of Christie being a damn bully.

And those who know Christie best cringe around him the best.  Take this advice from Tom Moran, a New Jersey reporter who has followed Christie for 14 years.

My testimony amounts to a warning: Don’t believe a word the man says.

Don’t misunderstand me. They all lie, and I get that. But Christie does it with such audacity, and such frequency, that he stands out.

Moran then lays out Christie Crap in a nice little package.

Trump is just a doofus saying crazy stuff every day.  Christie is a time bomb and when he does go off, he’ll fly around the room backwards for days.

Thanks to David and Deb for the heads up.

Dejected and Disbarred UPDATE

July 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton figured he had nothing to lose if he advised county clerks in Texas to violate the law.

ken_paxton_bioPaxton, or locally known as “Ole Sticky Fingers,” has 99 problems so being a lawyer advising people to violate the law just makes it a nice round number of problems.

Paxton is facing indictment of admittedly violating state securities laws, so what the hell?  He might as well go for broke.

Now the reason I’m telling you all this is that last night, on my way to an Astros game, I got a call from our customer and friend Glen Maxey.  Glen has filed paperwork for disciplinary action by the State Bar of Texas.  You’ll enjoy Glen’s take on whose lawyer this guy is.

Y’all, they have dug this hole so deep that you can hear Chinese people talking at the bottom.

UPDATE:  You, too, can get in on this action if you are a lawyer.  I know plenty of lawyers come here so get on board.  Steve Fischer has started this on Facebook.

” Passion in the pursuit of policy is an admirable attribute for our Texas Leaders. Sometimes however, our zeal for making the world conform to our beliefs, conflicts with established law and ethical rules. As Texas Attorney General, you have sworn an oath to protect the people of Texas whether they be Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican , and as the case may be “Gay” or “Straight”. As a licensed Texas Attorney you are subject to the same rules as all attorneys and you should serve as an example of compliance. It seems to us , that your edict to encourage Texas Clerks to violate a direct ruling of the United States Supreme Court violates both the Preamble to the State Bar of Texas Rules of Professional Conduct and even more specifically several provisions of “Rule 8.04 Misconduct (a) A lawyer shall not: ( and most specifically) (4) engage in conduct constituting obstruction of justice;”
The United States Supreme Court allows a 25 Day Implementation Deadline; a “ cooling off “ period so to speak, where Americans and Texans and our elected officials can digest and absorb the Court’s decision and then act according to the principles of the United States and Texas Constitution.
We the undersigned attorneys, former State Bar Directors, Judges and Assistant Attorney Generals urge you to follow the law. If you will not comply however, we will join in filing a State Bar of Texas Grievance.”

You can friend Steve on Facebook and sign it there (second entry on his page).  You can friend him after you sign it but you probably don’t want to because Steve is one cool guy.  Click here.

If you’re not on Facebook, go to Tell Juanita and ask for his email address.  I will get it back to you right away.