Our Governor Greg Abbott decided it would serve Texas well if he took a close look at SB 359. The bill was intended to help doctors with mentally ill patients.
Intended to provide a window of protection for doctors who sometimes find themselves choosing between illegally holding mentally ill patients and letting them leave with the real possibility they might be a danger to themselves or the community, the legislation would have allowed hospitals to retain patients for up to four hours, allowing law enforcement to arrive and evaluate the situation.
This is a high standard for a very few mentally ill patients but it does serve to protect society from people fixing to go off the edge. It was supported by every mental health advocate group in Texas. Except one. Just one.
A May 22 email accompanying a letter of support from doctors asks an Abbott staffer to “please remember that the veto coalition is being led by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a front group for the Church of Scientology. … Their positions are well outside the mainstream.”
Yeah, the Church of Scientology, who does not believe in mental illness, won out over the medical and mental health community.
The Governor vetoed the bill, stunning the legislature who said that the Governor expressed no reservations about the bill while it was being considered.
First the Jade Helm Crazies and now the Church of Scientology. The come to find out, the First Lady of Texas is all Let’s Do Lunch with the Scientologists. In a letter to Abbott’s wife …
Spiller added a postscript: “I have not forgotten about your last message. Please consider yourself invited to our office, and any event we hold, any time.” He then asks to set up an “informal coffee … with a few close friends.”
Can’t we pass some legislation about Governors with mental health problems?
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.