The 28 year old adult daughter of Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin moved her “nice trailer” to the backyard of the Governor’s mansion and is living in it with her husband.

One of the adult children of Fallin’s husband lives in the Governor’s mansion and another lives in a garage apartment behind the Governor’s mansion.
Fallin told Oklahoma television station KFOR that her 28-year-old daughter received no special benefit by parking the travel trailer outside the mansion near the state Capitol since April. Any electricity or water she would have used in the trailer would have also been used if she had been living inside the brick-and-mortar home.
“My Oklahoma values … is to take care of your family,” Fallin, a Republican, told the TV station in a live interview.
She meant to add, “And if the taxpayers will do it for me, I will let them,” but she forgot.
Hey, I checked to see and it costs about $250 a month, $360 with electricity, to lease a trailer space in Oklahoma. I mean, it ain’t a fancy pants one like a mansion for a neighbor but that does seem kinda a little bit like “a special benefit.”
Maybe Oklahoma values should include a “robust economy.”
Hey, lotsa people have had their kids move back home. They just didn’t expect the taxpayers to feed and cool them.
By the way, if we’re gonna talk about “value values,” does that include your bodyguard?
In early December 1998, an Oklahoma Highway Patrol bodyguard for Fallin resigned after admitting to unprofessional conduct. The Fallins had filed for divorce the previous week, amid allegations by her estranged husband that she had an affair with a bodyguard.
Public Safety Commissioner Bob Ricks issued a statement saying that rumors had surfaced in early September about alleged unprofessional conduct between a member of the executive security detail and the lieutenant governor. According to Ricks, the trooper first denied the allegations, but, when questioned again in October, admitted to the improprieties. He was allowed to resign, but his admission did not say if any sexual activity was involved.
Whoa boy, that there is some family values.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.