Archive for June, 2015

You Can’t Beat That With a Stick. No, Wait, I Guess You Can

June 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember La Donald’s rant against Mexicans?

Well, revenge is sweet, especially if it’s packed with candy …

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It’s in Reynosa.  I have friends in Reynosa.  I am getting one of these.  I’m gonna hit it.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

Ted Cruz: National Joke(ster)

June 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

Ted Cruz thinks we’re all laughing with him, not at him.

Bless his heart.

TedCruz_nitwit_2Remember when Cruz made jokes about Joe Biden the day Biden was burying his son?  Apparently, that was just his warm-up act.

Well, Mr. Screw-Compassion-I’m-Here-For-the-Kill decided that last night was the perfect time for gun control jokes.

“You know the great thing about the state of Iowa is, I’m pretty sure you all define gun control the same way we do in Texas — hitting what you aim at,” Cruz said at a town hall meeting Friday in Red Oak.

There’s another joke here in Texas.  We say, “He’s so mean that he’s talk about ropes in the home of a man who had just been hung.”  Bingo.

Ted goes on.

“My wife, Heidi, who is a petite, 5’2 California blonde, she was standing at the tripod unloading the full machine gun with a pink baseball cap that said ‘armed and fabulous,'” he said.

He also visited a firing range yesterday where the only statement he made about Charleston was that President Obama should stop politicizing it.  Oh, and that we should use the death penalty for Roof.  That’s it.  That’s his statement.  Obama should quit dividing America and black people should stop all this silly bleeding to death in their churches.

I hate this man.  Lord help me, I do.

The Manifesto

June 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that someone has found Dylann Roof’s manifesto.

Racism this strong and misguided does not develop in a vacuum or merely on the internet.

This is hatred carefully constructed and bountifully planted.

I had to look away several times while reading it.  It is the keystone. Most modern day racists have been given the code to speak without saying these actual words.  They say the same thing, but they use code.

Also, I just want to say this personally because it send me into spasms.  The judge at yesterday’s bond hearing did something I have never seen before — he started the hearing with a statement to make sure that everybody understood that the cold blooded killer had a family, too, and we should be mindful of them.  Here’s how it sounded:  “Y’all, be real careful because some white people might get their feeling hurt.”  Wrong time, wrong place, wrong words.

Oh Dear Lord. ON EDIT

June 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am clumsily blogging on my iPhone again but this won’t wait until I get home.

Go go read this.

Not only does Rick Perry say Charleston was “an accident,” he also says it may have been cause by prescription drug abuse.

No. No. No, Rick. Prescription drug abuse is YOUR problem.

On Edit:  Again, I apologize.  I am gonna learn to blog on the darn iPhone.

Here’s the part that gets me.  Perry orates ….

“It seems to me, again without having all the details about this, that these individuals have been medicated and there may be a real issue in this country from the standpoint of these drugs and how they’re used,” Perry said.

Maybe I have lost my mind but I do not recall anybody suggesting that Dylann Roof was on prescription drugs but I do remember many people believing that Rick Perry’s bizarre behavior because he was abusing prescription  pain killers.

Now we have this.  Perry’s staff claims he misspoke.

Reached for comment, a Perry communications adviser wrote in an email that Perry clearly meant to say “incident” and not “accident.”

Burglary is an incident.  Murder is not an incident – it is murder.

No, he did not “misspeak.”  He knew exactly what he was saying.  He was desperately pandering to his base by trying to make it look like President Obama was coming after their guns because somebody accidentally slipped and pulled a trigger enough times to murder 8 people.  It was an accident.  It was an incident.  It was a thing that happened.  It was misfortune.  It was anydamnthing but racial terrorism.

Rick.  Go home.  You’re drunk.

East Texas Hits The Mark Again!

June 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I am certain you want to know what the NRATexas has decided who is the real culprit in the church shooting.  According to them the blame perches on the doorstep of the minister.


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Yep.  The minister.  The minister caused Root to be a racist with a gun.

The page has since been taken down so what you’re seeing is a screenshot after someone with an IQ higher than 40 saw it and decided it probably didn’t make one damn bit of sense.

Mr. Charles L. Cotton, the site administrator of, is a straight ticket Republican.  I looked.

Thanks to Rufus Firefly for the heads up.

Oh Dear Lord

June 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, here’s the problem.

While the U.S. and South Carolina state flags that fly above the South Carolina state house were lowered to half-mast today in mourning for the nine victims of last night’s shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, the Confederate flag on display outside the building is still flying high and proud. Why? Because the bizarre display of racist symbolism is so closely protected that it would be impossible to move it without a legislative vote.

I put a quote because I didn’t think you’d believe me if I explained it myself.

Holy damn.  The State Flag and the US Flag are at half-mast at the capitol building in South Carolina today but the confederate flag flies victriously above both them.

The “explanation” is that the confederate flag is permanently affixed to the top of the flagpole and can’t be lowered unless there’s a vote of the legislature to do so.  The reason I put the word explanation in quotation marks is because this is not an explanation – it’s a excuse.

Dylann Roof had help becoming who he is – he lived in a society who made the flag of racial oppression untouchable, flying above all others.

That flag needs to come down all the damn way.