Archive for May, 2015


May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Mike Huckabee is from Arkansas so he damn well knows better.


Seriously.  He said that.  Out stinkin’ loud.

At a campaign stop at an Iowa gun range yesterday, Mike Huckabee dismissed concerns about lax state requirements for gun permits, saying he wasn’t very worried about a permit-holder “not being as trained as they could be” because “a good guy armed is still better than a good guy unarmed.”

Oh yeah, Billy Bob is gonna go get himself some training with his weapon.  Yeah, he dropped outta school in the 8th grade but he recognizes that he needs more education before he accidentally shoots somedamnbody.

That’s what we need in America – more guys with guns who don’t know how to use guns.

Y’all, I hate Republicans.  God forgive me but I just hate them.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy

May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you know about the former James O’Keefe compadres opening the American Phoenix Foundation in Texas where they train “journalists” to stalk non-tea-party state Republicans and secretly videotape them.  Hannah Giles and Joe Basel are not strangers to drinking at the fountain of slime.

Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 12.49.18 PMIt is Republicans getting eaten by their children.  It’s a thing I truly deeply and delightfully enjoy watching.

But now it’s getting even sweeter.

Come to find out, one of their big financial supporters is a guy who pulled some major weight around the Texas capitol and helped Rick Perry try to destroy the Texas secondary public education system.  He’s semi-famous in Texas.  And it’s not that he revealed himself.  Oh no, he wouldn’t want to do that and give his enemies even more ammo against him.  He got outted.

A private foundation led by billionaire oilman and higher education critic Jeff Sandefer has given $200,000 in recent years to help bankroll a conservative nonprofit now at the center of a scheme to secretly film lawmakers and lobbyists, tax filings show.

The American Phoenix Foundation is a 501(c)(3) so they don’t have to reveal their donors.  But Sandefer’s organization – although tax exempt (Republicans will do anything to keep from paying their fair share of taxes) – has to list their donees on their IRS filing.  Bingo!

When questioned about the activities of this pet project, Sandefer had a ready answer.

“We did not get into specifics of what they were going to do. I never got that far. I never heard a specific plan to do anything,” Sandefer said.

But yet he gave $200,000 to two people involved in falsely editing ACORN tapes and illegally breaking into Senator Mary Landrieu’s office disguised as a telephone repairman to gather dirt on her.  Maybe he expected that they’d turned good and were going to feed poor little crippled children with his $200,000.

That, my friend, is enough caca del toro to fill Texas stadium.  Nobody, no body, who has ever set foot in the Texas capitol believes that story.

For its contribution to caca ownership, the American Phoenix Foundation says it has 11,000 small donors.  Yeah, sure.  Honey, if they can prove that I’ll eat grandpa’s saddle on the capitol steps and let them videotape it.

This story promises to get better and better.

Fun With Guns: Okay, One More Chance or Maybe Two Tops Edition

May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the capitol police who kept leaving their guns in pubic restrooms and other public places?

Well, I guess they learned their lesson, dammit.  They are getting 5 days suspension and a gun safety seminar.

Pressed on whether that officer, and a member of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s detail who allegedly left a gun unattended, had been removed from their positions, Dine answered, “They haven’t been yet.” He said reassigning the officers is “certainly something we are looking at.”

And …

As part of their biannual weapons qualification, Capitol Police will receive new weapons safety training to reinforce proper handling, i.e., what to do with your gun when you go to the potty, Chief Kim C. Dine told lawmakers Wednesday.

I dunno.  That appears to be way above their pay grade.

Nothing makes to feel safer than knowing that all that stands between you and a team of bad guys taking over the capitol is some guy who left his gun “in the potty.”

Thanks to Maggie for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Don’t Look Edition — UPDATED

May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Midland, Michigan.

It turns out that this guy:


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Is also this guy:


Yep, Rev. Makela preached a strong anti-gay message, comparing it to alcoholism, and then turns up on a gay meet-up website.

But you know whose fault all this is, right?  The other minister of the church tells the congregants not to read anything about this because “sin is never pretty.”  He writes to the membership

“To make matters worse,” he continues, “the details of sin that have been kept confidential are being posted online by those who seek to do harm to the Makela family and to St. John’s. This is taking an already difficult situation and making it even more painful…

Dude, but lambasting gays and transgendered people is not harmful to them and their families?

You can serve holy crap on a bed of bibles but it’s still holy crap.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

UPDATE:  It appears that prior to be jerked out of the closet, Makela had encourage gay teens to commit suicide.

Makela told then 17-year-old Tyler Kish — who was suffering from depression at the time — that if he insisted on embracing a homosexual lifestyle, he might as well commit the mortal sin of suicide because he was already ticketed for hell.

“If he’s going to hell for being gay then he might as well commit suicide,” Kish said Makela advised her son. He also, she alleged, went on social media to berate her for remaining supportive of her son after he came out to her.

Yes, Pastor, let’s do talk about sin and how it’s “not pretty.”


A Confederacy of Idiots. Yes, I Am Talking to You, Liz Cheney.

May 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yes, Liz, we understand that you love your dad.  We get that.  Hell, even Luke Skywalker came to terms with his dad but his dad turned from the Dark Side.  Your dad has not.


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Liz, knowing what we do know now, are you going to reject your mammoth inheritance based on Halliburton blood money?

And, Sweetie, attacking Obama worked real well in 2012, didn’t it?  So keep that up, would ya?

I think Louie Gohmert is looking for a new press secretary.  Liz, you ought to apply.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

Your Daily Gohmert: And This Is Why We Cannot Have Satire Any More

May 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nobody believes that Louie Gohmert really honest to God said this.

“If President Bush had known that he would have a total incompetent follow him that would not even be able to negotiate a status of forces agreement with Iraq and start helping our enemies and just totally put the Middle East in chaos, then he would have to think twice about doing anything if he had known he would have such a total incompetent leader take over after him,” Gohmert said. “That should be the question.”

So Bush wouldn’t have gone into Iraq if he’d known that Obama was going to get elected and screw it up.

This is not satire.