Archive for May, 2015

From the Enough Is Enough Files

May 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tim Farley hosts a radio show called POTUS on XM radio.  I listen every now and then because he has on guests from all political ideologies without all that damn fake debate and screaming at each other.  He’s calm, reasoned, and even handed.

Until yesterday.

A host on SiriusXM radio today cut off a guest for declaring that President Obama “is a Muslim.” On “The Morning Briefing with Tim Farley,” retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr. said, “The key thing is that, our president being a Muslim, and he is a Muslim because his father -”

retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr.

retired Air Force Col. Dick Brauer Jr.

At that point, host Farley stopped him with these words, “All right, well, we’re just going to take you right off the air now, so we don’t need that on the air because that’s ridiculous and just, we’re not going to let you put falsehoods on the air. So I appreciate your being here. But that is not something we’re going to allow to get on the air because it’s a ridiculous accusation.”

The rightwing has gone beeeeserk.  They know THE REAL REASON why Brauer was kicked off, including the “Islamization of the World”, “the truth hurts”, and “barry o’fraud” adoptive father was a communist.

My grandpa told me that you can shear a pig but you’re gonna get a lot more noise than wool.  Same deal here.  I would just like this opportunity to thank Tim Farley for not shearing the damn pig.


Won’t Wait ‘Till Friday Toon

May 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


And, yeah, we’re getting belted again —

Screen Shot 2015-05-27 at 7.44.27 AM

I’m still high and dry.

Here Ya Go!

May 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another reason to really, really like Facebook.  The Louie Gohmert Fan Club.

My friend Karen, who lives in Louie’s district, says this is gonna be fun.

There’s Good News and There’s Bad News

May 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The good news:  The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on the constitutionality of Texas redistricting based on the one man / one vote principle.

The bad news:  This Supreme Court is as worthless as a four card flush.

I thought about writing more about this, but that right there pretty much says it all.

Fist Fights and Abortion

May 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Two male Republicans came this close to getting into a fist fight on the Texas House floor over an abortion bill.  If the sergeant at arms staff hadn’t stop it, Republicans Rep. Jonathan Stickland and Republican Rep. Byron Cook could have sold pay-per-view tickets.

On an abortion bill.  Two males.  Doesn’t that seem odd to anybody?

Here’s what the fight was about:

SB575 is a bill about “elective” abortions.  It would require women who want to be covered for abortions under their health insurance to purchase supplemental plans.  It didn’t look like it was going to get out of committee.

images-1Jonathan Stickland, who is one kinky guy, decided to add an amendment on some other bill about roads or some damn thing.  His amendment would force a house vote on an amendment “to prohibit abortions on the basis of fetal abnormalities.”

Yeah, that’s some crap.  A woman would be required to carry a non-viable fetus until it died and was expelled from her body naturally.  Yeah, that crap.  The crap that kills women.

So anyway, Stickland agreed to pull the amendment in exchange for a promise from the Republican leadership that SB575 would get reported out of committee.

Although Cook kept his word, three Republican women on the Calendars Committee — Reps. Sarah Davis, Debbie Riddle and Patricia Harless — backed out of supporting the bill at the last minute and sided with the Democrats, killing the measure with a 7-7 vote.

Strickland got screwed by Republican women.  But you can’t hit women so he decided to hit Cook instead.

The result?

But in the end, Stickland’s temper tantrum worked.

The Calendars Committee reconvened after the House session and voted to move SB575 forward by a vote of 8-0. Two Republicans and all of the Democrats were marked as absent. Republican Rep. Debbie Riddle swung her vote in support of the bill, but it was not immediately clear why she had changed her mind.

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 11.53.01 AMDebbie Riddle is kinda nuts.  You’ve read about her here before.  You can call her office and fuss up a storm about her caving to a temper tantrum worthy of a two year old.   281-257-4222 .  Be nice.  Don’t cuss.  But don’t back down.

Checking In

May 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ole Bubba and I lived through a night of constant lightning and thunder last night.  Damnest thing I’ve ever seen.  They say we got ten inches of rain in about 4 hours.  And it’s only just begun.

We have power but no one else we know does.  We have friends with 2 feet of water in their houses, a large oak tree on their roofs, or the Brazos River eating their property.  Bubba just went up to check on his office.

We are waiting on Pat Robertson to blame all the ultra conservative actions of the state legislature for this act of a pissed off God.