Wearing a Big Red A
Oh Hell, Texas.
Right now, 1.2 million Texans are enrolled in Obamacare. HB1514 just passed in the Texas House. The purpose of that bill is to up a big red S on the insurance cards of people getting a federal subsidy under Obamacare.
Roughly a million Texans with government-subsidized health coverage could see a new label on their health insurance cards, and critics say the designation is akin to a “scarlet letter.”
Here’s the deal. Under the Affordable Health Care Act, insurance companies must continue to provide heath care for the insured for a grace period of 90 days, even if they have fallen behind in their monthly payments. The big red S on their insurance card will help doctors to remind patients to keep up their payments.
Yeah, because that’s what doctors are for.
“Other than creating a group that you’re going to discriminate against, I don’t see any purpose for indicating that people are getting a subsidy,” said Jose E. Camacho, executive director of the Texas Association of Community Health Centers.
No shoot, Sherlock.
Thanks to Craig for the heads up.