Keeping You Informed
Guess who has a new campaign tee-shirt and logo …
Hint: it’s not Clark Kent.
Thank to Peg for the heads up.
Guess who has a new campaign tee-shirt and logo …
Hint: it’s not Clark Kent.
Thank to Peg for the heads up.
Republicans are running on a ticket of making sex less fun. I know that seems unwise as a campaign strategy but it beats the hell outta doing away with the Department of Homeland Security.
Duck Dynasty Love Interest Phil Robertson spoke to CPAC yesterday and was mostly concerned with sex. It seems that the “hippies and the beatniks” newest “revenge” is STIs. I probably need to remind you at this point that Phil Robertson says he’s sober. We only have his word for that because there is no physical proof.
Then he started yelling that the Constitution was written for a “religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”
“You know what’s happened GOP? We’ve got too many any-others in the White House. It wasn’t written for them,” Robertson said to applause. “It wasn’t written for them.”
If you can understand that, you’re drunk.
And then, to make their point a little sharper, Republicans in South Carolina make you sign a pledge before you can run on the Republican ticket.
Before you can join the Laurens County Republican Party in South Carolina and get on the primary ballot, they ask that you pledge that you’ve never ever had pre-marital sex — and that you will never ever look at porn again.
Since it’s South Carolina I suspect there was a misprint. It was supposed to say “with a family member” at the end.
Want to prove that climate change is all hooey? Just call a big oil flunky.
There’s no global warming because … snow … and liberty. For $50,000, Inhofe will claim that solar power is damned in the Holy Bible.
Thanks to Mike for the heads up.
It’s the freeking Department of Homeland Security, John.
Ho Boy, Isis really takes you seriously now.
Honey, can I do a citizen’s breathalyzer?
Thanks to Fenway Fran for the heads up.
Thanks to the good folks at the FCC, The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. will remain free and open 24/7.
Net Neutrality wins.
Georgia Republican Congressvarmint Barry Loudermilk is on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, so you’d think he might read-up on, you know, science.
Easier said than done.
Headline in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution —
Loudermilk has three adult children so using high level mathematical skills, I can deduce that he means two of his children were not vaccinated, leaving me to wonder if the other one who got vaccinated was his favorite child or his least favorite child.
Louermilk, of course, homeschooled his kids so they wouldn’t discover that one of them was more beloved than the other ones.
He’s on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, y’all!