Sometimes I wonder what we would do without the Super DeLux Brand Christians sending out daily devil warnings.
Okay, that’s a lie. I never wonder about that. Dream about it, sure, but never wonder. I think we’d be just fine without them. Maybe better, I dunno.
Case in point:
If you go to Memphis, Tennessee, there is a grown woman there named Robyn Wilkins who is outraged, outraged I tell you, that the devil hisownself is worshipped on public school busses.
You need proof, oh ye of little faith?
Robyn has proof. She took a picture.

In case this is not perfectly obvious to you, the red star lights near the bottom of the bus are not stars. No, sireeee. Those suckers are a pentagram and pentagrams are a sign of the devil.
Robyn Wilkins snapped a photo when she noticed the shape of an upside down, five-pointed star outlined in the brake lights of a school bus that was stopped in Cordova.
“Anyone who fears a God, if not God and Jesus Christ, should be outraged,” Wilkins said.
She says Christians should be outraged that a symbol that looks like a pentagram would be allowed in the design of a vehicle used to transport children to public schools.
And just to make her point very clear, she adds,
“If you can’t put a cross on there, you cannot put a pentagram on it,” Wilkins said.
Yeah. Jesus said so.
Holy cow, y’all, don’t let Robin come to Texas.
We have pentagrams everywhere.
Thelma even has one tattooed on her butt because she enjoys mooning people from Oklahoma. I wonder if it would even things out with the Lord if she put a cross on the other cheek?
Thanks to Kary for the heads up.