Okay, I’ve heard of football being a religion, but …
A full one in four Americans believe that God will play a role in deciding who wins the Superbowl. That’s 80 million people, y’all.
I have to wonder if those are the same 80 million people who think God decides who the President will be. Probably not, though. That’s a whole ‘nother group of 80 million Americans who said, “Thank God!” after Mitt Romney lost. It couldn’t be the same group because the Steeple People ain’t rootin’ for President Obama.
Anyway, here’s the deal.
With the Super Bowl just over a week away, 26% of U.S. citizens and 27% of sports fans say God has a big hand in determining the victors of sporting events, according to a recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute and Religion News Service.
And they also believe …
God also favors athletes who live successful, faithful lives, say 68% of Protestants and 65% of Catholics.
Successful? Okay, I can see that. Victory itsownself kinda favors successful people. But faithful? I dunno about that one. Tim Tebow may disagree.
Thank to Irene for the heads up.