Archive for December, 2014

White Eyed Michele

December 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michele Bachmann is plenty upset about President Obama’s “amnesty.”  So upset, in fact, that she called for a Tea Party rally in Washington, Dee Cee, to protest.  She, of course, announced it on Fox News.

And she declared she would be leading a protest on Capitol Hill. “I’m calling on your viewers to come to DC on Wednesday, December 3, at high noon on the west steps of the Capitol,” she proclaimed. “We need to have a rally, and we need to go visit our senators and visit our congressman, because nothing frightens a congressman like the whites of his constituents’ eyes.

And you’re wondering how that turned out?

Hellfire and Happyfeet, tens of people stormed Dee Cee with their white eyes.  Well, and white everything else, too.


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So, maybe leaving congress wasn’t such a good idea if you’re an attention hog.

We’re gonna miss you, Michele.  But not much.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

ICYMI: Nevada is Red

December 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The flipping turnout in the mid terms gave us another cheerful gift:  a newly red Nevada.

Oh yeah, Cliven Bundy and his ammosexuals are taking over Nevada.

Maybe she'll get elected whip.

Maybe she’ll get elected whip.

Michele FIore, the newly appointed GOP majority leader in the Nevada Assembly is very proud of her guns and her film career as a soft porn star. She is a true Teabagging Conservative, all the way down to her tight jeans.

I guess it beats the hell outta looking at the ole white men we elected in Texas.

Her goal?  Guns, guns, guns.

“We’re getting our gun rights back this session, period.”

She said constituents can expect to see bills allowing concealed carry permit holders to carry guns for self-defense on campuses of the Nevada System of Higher Education. She also says she wants to see high schools adopt “rifle clubs” again, so young people are exposed to firearm safety and responsible gun ownership.

Yes, and it appears that she’s loaded.

Thanks to Karl for the heads up.

Friday Toons

December 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



December 3, 2014











Impeach Perry! Impeach Perry!

December 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess who’s got his own Executive Damn Order?

Yeah, Rick Perry.  The man without a plan.

Perry_ClarkKent_1So, here’s the deal.  Perry has issued an executive order that starts right now this minute that all state agencies have to use E-verify before hiring anybody. E-verify is “a federal electronic employee verification system that aims to prevent the hiring of illegal workers.”

Four years ago, at the height of Perry’s conniption fit about the federal government, he said that E-Verify would not “make a hill’s beans of difference” when it comes to what’s happening in America.

But now he says it’s shiny, dandy, and painted red.

“The E-Verify system has been improved, it’s been streamlined and it currently is the most accurate and efficient way to check a person’s legal work in the United States,” Perry said. “Though any steps taken at the state level must be backed up by a real federal commitment to fixing a broken system.”

Holy cow.  Did that man just say that the “federal government” needs to fix the broken system?  Those smart glasses must be working overtime.  Or not at all, depending on your viewpoint.

He’s issuing executive orders and asking for federal help.  Did he wake up in a new world today?

Thanks to Candyce for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Merry Christmas, Neighbor Edition

December 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Pennsylvania, Richard Carter didn’t get along with his neighbor very well.  So, when the neighbor was putting up Christmas lights last weekend, Carter thought it would be a good time to shoot him.

Carter took a couple of shots but thank goodness he’s not wasting his ammo on target practice because he missed both times.  The neighbor got a cut lip from a ricocheting bullet.  Other neighbors called the police.

Screen Shot 2014-12-03 at 3.05.54 PMIt turns out that Carter is very anti-government and often posts signs in his yard stating so.  That makes it understandable that he doesn’t want Christmas lights competing with his political thoughts.

Carter hats the government so much that he held the SWAT police in a stand-off for three hours.  He finally gave himself up.

Munhall Police, the SWAT team and negotiators were brought in to get Carter to surrender. Police say Carter had more than two dozen firearms and thousands of rounds of ammo inside of his house.

Police also say they had been called to his home several times and were aware that he had “mental health issues.”

That’s good to know.

Most Butt Ignorant Thing I’ve Heard All Day

December 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I turned on the teevee to see coverage from New York in the chokehold police murder of a guy committing the horrendous crime of selling single cigarettes on the street.

Some dude on CNN defended the grand jury and said in plain English, “If you just do what the police officers tell you to do, you’ll probably be okay.”


Yeah, dude, and you’re probably an idiot.