Archive for November, 2014

Marion Berry

November 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By:  Barb in DC


One of these is not like the other.

Later this week, DC will experience a three-day funeral extravaganza the likes of which haven’t been seen since JFK died. While I won’t begrudge anyone his or her right or opportunity to participate in any of the activities surrounding the passing of Marion Barry, I won’t be among them.

My Bubba gave me explicit instructions not to post anything on the internet which would force us to change our locks or phone number; so, I’m doing my best to be judicious here.

A great deal of commentary on the death of Barry has been along the lines of, “He gave voice to the voiceless;” and, “He empowered the black population of DC.” I have my doubts about the ultimate value of the first statement–since it was all talk and no action–and dissent on the second. Lyndon Johnson and the Home Rule Charter empowered the majority population of DC–not Marion Barry.

Then there is this: “He changed who benefited from corruption.” Why, yes he did. He certainly “empowered” quite number of people to indulge in illegalities concerning public monies and there has been quite a queue either entering prison or are about to. Some of the more recently-discovered malfeasance was perpetrated the son of his first campaign manager and the son of a long-time Barry supporter and Council member. Second-generation corruption! Gee, thanks.

Then, of course, there is the on-going investigation into the previous Mayoral campaign, where quite a few of the soon-to-be former Mayor’s campaign staffers and donors have made deals with the DA and are singing to lessen their time in the pokey. Mayor Gray (the beneficiary of Barry’s polarization) hasn’t been indicted himself, yet, but give it time. At least the in-coming Mayor is a protege of Adrian Fenty and not Marion Barry.

Charlie Pierce over at in his Politics Blog has a running gag that Eric Cantor stole John Boehner’s balls back in 2010 and put them in a Mason jar which he then hid. He left Congress this year–at the request of his constituents, as Charlie so eloquently put it–without revealing the location of said jar. Marion Barry went Cantor a whole lot better more than 30 years ago. After beating Mayor Washington and the first Council Chairman in a very close 3-way Democratic Mayoral primary in 1978 (the year I got involved in local politics) he proceeded to steal the balls of every possible rival and throw them all into the Potomac River before any of them knew what was happening. I still don’t know how he got away with the humiliating, emasculating treatment of those worthies. And; he made sure that there would be no opportunity for anyone else to form a power base. Machiavelli would have approved.

What I find most unforgivable about the reign of Marion Barry was the way he polarized the city politically. He won (barely) that Democratic primary in 1978 with the help of the white population. Once in office, he demonized it to a large extent, refusing to acknowledge that although the white citizens were much wealthier and far better educated, percentage-wise, than the black citizens, we were all largely attuned in our political ideology. The vast majority of the people of this city were and are Liberal, Progressive Democrats and that crosses every ethnic and economic line imaginable. Those who are more Conservative or (shudder) Republican live in the suburbs. Seriously, the DC Republican Party holds its meetings in somebody’s living room.

Still, there were forces that were out of Barry’s sphere of influence that have allowed this city to recover, finally, from the riots of 1968. In spite of everything, young people with their newly-minted degrees have been flocking here and changing the face of the business community. They are bringing in their energy, resources, and imaginations. We have seen the first distillery open within the city limits in 100 years. (If you haven’t tried Green Hat Gin, you should. It’s something special.) Plus, there are three new breweries where once there were none. The wags who started DC Brau have given their beers names like “The Corruption” and “The Citizen.” There are many new restaurants on U Street, which used to be known as “The Black Broadway” during segregation. Some of them pay tribute to the past like “Busboys and Poets” which is a reference to Langston Hughes. “Eatonville” is a new restaurant named after Zora Neale Hurston’s hometown. And, when Barack Obama was elected in 2008, there was a spontaneous spilling out into every street across the city in joyous celebration.

Could a more enlightened leadership have sped this recovery faster? That’s something we will never know. I’m just happy that I can walk to the new Trader Joe’s on 14th Street and marvel at all the changes that have taken place in recent years. If Barry’s supporters insist on giving him all the credit for it, I won’t even bother arguing with them. I know better. Besides, after Barry’s final term in office–where he was stripped of most of his authority by the Control Board Congress put in charge to prevent the city from going bankrupt–we had 12 years of very enlightened leadership from Anthony Williams and Adrian Fenty.

R.I.P. Marion Barry

Thanksgiving Eve Thankfulness To Be Thankful For

November 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

GQ Magazine just named Rick Perry #13 on the 30 Least Influential People in America list.

Screen Shot 2014-11-26 at 11.22.00 AM

My thoughts exactly.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

I Must Be An Underachiever

November 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by John A. Kwitkoski

The man pictured is Lord Christopher Monckton, a contributor of World Net Daily. He also contributes to his toilet, which is just about the same thing. He was opining about the gays:

LordChristopherMonckton“… homosexuals had an average of 500-1,000 partners in their sexually active lifetimes, and that some had as many as 20,000.” He continues with the usual inflammatory remarks about drug abuse, AIDS, etc., and ends with “… the consequently short, miserable lives and high death rate of homosexuals.”


Now first, I’m not sure I understand how someone can have 20,000 sexual partners and a “short, miserable life”. By my figuring. if you become sexually active at 18 and partner with a different person every night, you’ll be about 73 when you hit the 20,000 mark! (And bless you heart if that happens.) So, unless you’re a lousy lover or choose lousy partners, somewhere in that 20,000 there had to be some happy time. Yes?

I’ll tell you this, I want to meet these guys! They must be sex-on-a-stick! They could be spokespersons for Viagra. Or recipients of the Cialis Lifetime Achievement Award. 20,000 is some serious sexy time!

But to be honest, this news has really depressed me. I’m 63 and by my count I’m more than 19,970 short. So if you don’t hear from me much in the future it’ll be because I’ll be busy elsewhere, if you know what I mean. According to his lordship, I have a lot of catching up to do.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Fun with Guns: Son of a Gun(Nut) Edition

November 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

daChipster reporting:

Last Friday, in Lake Stevens, WA, a 3-year-old boy was playing with a 4-year-old neighbor, behind a locked door in a house chock-full of guns.  What could possibly go wrong? 

No one seems to know how the kids got the gun.  It’s a frickin’ mystery!  The dad is an avid “collector” who teaches his children “gun safety” and claims his “hobby” is no more dangerous than stamp-collecting.  Because the  1918 “Inverted Jenny” 24¢ Airmail is NOTORIOUS for head wounds.  He also was a vocal opponent to Washington’s anti-gun Initiaive 594, which actually passed on election day.

But it gets better worse.  Turns out Dad AND Mom both counterfiled against each other last year.  Their mutual charge?  Leaving guns lying around the house.  The kid is still in serious condition, but at least he’s off the critical list. 

In related news, a 3-year-old Tulsa boy shot and killed his mother with a semiautomatic hand gun while she changed his sister’s diaper.

Guns don’t kill people.  Toddlers do.


Just So You Know

November 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, I am having a ball on vacation.  This week Bubba, me, Bubba Jr, and the lovely Mrs. Bubba Jr. had VIP tours of the Harry S Truman Library and home in Independence, Missouri, thanks to customer Deb and her Bubba, Craig.  It was the experience of a lifetime.

I’ll have loads of pictures to share but I just opened my computer machine for the first time and want to share this with you.  It is a draft of a letter that President Truman sent to Joseph McCarthy.  This photograph was taken through glass so you’ll need to click the little one to see the big one.


I wish that President Obama would make a copy of this letter and send it to Ted Cruz.  Hell, Cruz even looks like McCarthy.

Harry Truman rocked.

It’s not a “black thing”

November 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by daChipster

So, Bill Cosby. When I was a kid, I enjoyed Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids on Saturday mornings. When I was a little older, I had one of his albums. In the 80s, I watched the Cosby Show. In the 90s, I saw him perform live. Having enjoyed his body of work and the positive messages he’s portrayed, I am terrifically saddened that all these accusations have come out. Saddened, but not surprised. It seems anybody who wags a moralistic finger at those below him ends up a hypocrite, these days.

But, it’s not a “black thing.”

So, Ferguson. I don’t know why people choose to care about one shooting over another. I don’t know why protesters were so strong, and the media so present, on this one, but so weak and so absent on John Crawford, or 12-year-old Tamir Rice, both Ohioans killed by cops recently in separate incidents when somebody called 911 to report them carrying a gun, each of which was fake.   I suspect it has a lot to do with long-simmering tensions in Ferguson, that erupted once the heat was turned up by Michael Brown’s killing. Turned back down to simmer, these tensions boiled over again when a grand jury failed to indict his killer. That decision literally and figuratively lit the matches that blew Ferguson up last night.

But, it’s not a “black thing.”

In fact, with all due respect to the black community, most of what’s going on is not about them, per se.

It’s not black-white. Or brown-white. Or yellow-white. It’s not a race or color thing at all. 

It’s a poor thing.

Unless someone comes up with strong evidence within the statute of limitations, Bill Cosby has successfully gotten away with decades of serial rape and sexual assault, because he had the power to cow any accusers, and the money to buy the silence of those who wouldn’t scare. He only pulled this nonsense because he had the money and power to get away with it.  Anybody black, brown, white or plaid, who didn’t and tried the same thing would rightfully end up a registered and jailed sex offender.

As we see in Ferguson, the black id is still in a justifiable siege mentality. Centuries of enslavement and oppression are not to be wiped away by a couple of decades of people mouthing “equality” but not backing it up with action.  But it’s not just a black thing. It so happens that they are still on the downside looking up because they are the ones still in the slums. Irish and Italians are just two groups who faced similar circumstances, and also had endemic crime in their neighborhoods, while being blackguarded by WASPy politicos and editors. Same with hispanics today.

Those who stand in opposition to Affirmative Action, public education, and other attempts to level the playing field bleat phrases like “Equality of Opportunity, not Equality of Outcome!” All the while, equality of opportunity is a sham.

The only people with equal opportunity are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal justice are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal police protection are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal access to reproductive health are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal political speech are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal access to the ballot are those who can pay for it.

The only people with equal representation in Washington are those who can pay for it.

As in Animal Farm, we are learning that some people are, indeed, more equal than others.   Roosevelt New Deal liberalism recognized that equality of opportunity means NOTHING unless it leads to equality of outcome.  But the ones who get equality of outcome are not the ones chased and shot by police.  If punished at all, their crimes are federal, and they are politely arrested, post bond, and are back at the office suite after lunch.

That the people in Ferguson are black is only a coincidence of current history. In 1776 America, they were all white. In 1789 France and 1919 Russia, as well. In 1947 they were Indian. In 1946, they were Chinese. In 1959, they were Cuban. In 1979, they were Iranian. It’s not a black thing.

It’s a poor thing.