Archive for October, 2014

King of the Damn Mountain

October 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz has pretty much decided that if he can’t kill the government, he’ll shut it down.

TedCruz:Clown_1aCruz is demanding that the senate do nothing between November 4 and January 2nd.  Like we would know the difference.

Last month teabagger Cruz tried to force Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to cancel the Senate because “it weakens accountability and subverts the will of the American people” if their elected representatives dared to work after November 4, Election Day.

Now he’s willing to not fund the government after December 11th.

Cruz’s letter ignored Republican and Democratic leaders’ prior agreement to pass a stopgap measure to fund the government until December 11, that even the House passed to ensure some business would be finished during the lame duck session.

What’s the line between treason and duty?  Obviously none.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

I Post Mug Shots. Here’s What They Do.

October 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think most of you know that my friend Judge Susan Criss is running for state representative.

She’s gonna win and I am thrilled about that because she’s meaner than ten acres of snakes and one of the funniest people I know.

That, of course, does not fit in the Republican mode.  So they have Young Republicans standing outside the polls with this little greeting to voters.


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Yes, we’re playing darts with the evil faces of Barack Obama, Wendy Davis, and Susan Criss.  Hey, at least Susan is in some high cotton.

I know young people are kinda nuts and do nutty things but the Galveston County Republican Party chairman has seen this and doesn’t mind.

Okay, it’s gross on many levels.  For me, however, the most worst part is that it’s mean instead of cute.  If they had “Pin the Tail on the Democratic Donkey,” that would have been funny.  Instead, they go straight for the bloodshed.

I do not like these people.

Do Not Jack With Me, David Hamilton. Do Not.

October 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I have a fun little update on the Republican named David Hamilton running for state representative who I mention in the post below this one.  He doesn’t like me.  He can take a number and stand in damn line.

Hamilton seems very confused about his past history of hitting women.  One thing is for sure though.  He was arrested for whacking women.   The charge was not dismissed.  He took pocket probation, which means that the charge is dropped after he completes public service.  He also paid a $2,500 fine to the victim.

Reminder:  he left visual bruises on the victim and the police saw the attack.

David Hamilton was arrested by the police who saw the attack.  There are mug shots.




And yes, I am passing this out to everyone I know in his district. He hits women while they are trying to protect other women.

He wants to play hardball with me?  He needs to get a mitt, Honey, and cover right field.

Amusing Republican Men on Social Media

October 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I am convinced that Republican men wake up every morning intent on entertaining me for the day.  I want them to know that I appreciate it with all my heart.

Let us begin with this doozy from the Bevy of Bozos around Ted Cruz.




Yes, Nick, and since Obamacare there have been absolutely no attacks on the World Trade Center or, come to think of it, space aliens wanting to see your private parts.  I will admit that I am not certain bout the last one because I truly have no idea what goes on in your head.  Or your private parts, thank God.

And then last night I get word of an odd event from people asking, “what the hell?”  Remember when I told you about David Hamilton who is running for the state house in my county?  You know, the self-professed “Christian” who likes to hit women and even fessed-up to doing it?

Well, Mr. Hamilton is one confused lost soul.  Or drunk.  Could be drunk.


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Yes, he’s talking about me.

Mr. Hamilton took to the powerful forces of his Facebook page to ask a provocative question about my fake name and my fake skin color.

His question was not only dumb, it was kinda prissy for a grown man.  He’s too scared to use my name.   Oh yeah, tough guy when it comes to shoving and hitting women in front of health clinics.  Not so tough guy on Facebook.

Screen Shot 2014-10-24 at 10.05.46 AMBesides the fact that my full driver-license name is on this not-a-blog (eyes right), and besides the fact that I often post pictures of myself gallivanting around the state of Texas to speak, and besides the fact that I have written about Juanita in the local newspaper starting before Mr. Hamilton was even born, and beside the fact that if you Google a picture of someone named Juanita, you get every race, hair style, and fine looking females known to God above including my personal favorite, Juanita Banana which is a popular Filipino teevee show …  Yeah, yeah, besides that, I’m a real sneaky manipulator who wants people to think that I am something other than a big haired Texas woman.

Thanks for snickers, guys.

Why I’m a Catholic Agnostic

October 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By Da Chipster

My agnosticism is well-documented here, but I’m still a homer for the religion I grew up in, and this Pope gives me hope for Catholicism.

Pope Frank just weiged in – indirectly – on Ferguson, and the poor schmuck in my state who got executed for carrying a toy WalMart gun in WalMart, and Georgie Zimmerman and “stand your ground” and every good-guy-with-a-gun meme:

“‘the death penalty, illegally and to a varying extent, is applied all over the planet,’ because ‘extrajudicial executions’ are often disguised as ‘clashes with offenders or presented as the undesired consequences of the reasonable, necessary and proportionate use of force to apply the law.'”

Pope smiles as he leaves general audience in St. Peter's Square at VaticanNot to mention, he took this whack at the so-called “extraordinary rendition” of Kim Jong Bush II and his Reign of Error:

“He also rebuked unspecified governments involved in kidnapping people for ‘illegal transportation to detention centers in which torture is practiced.'”

Finally, he nailed today’s GOP and its TeaBirchers:

“The pope spoke scathingly about the mentality of the typical corrupt person, whom he described as conceited, unable to accept criticism, and prompt to insult and even persecute those who disagree with him.

“‘The corrupt one does not perceive his own corruption. It is a little like what happens with bad breath: someone who has it hardly ever realizes it; other people notice and have to tell him,’ the pope said. ‘Corruption is an evil greater than sin. More than forgiveness, this evil needs to be cured.'”

Holy Halitosis!

How Gays Causes Terrorism

October 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In only lasts a minute.  You can stand anything for a minute.


Numero Uno:  Louie knows way too much about Greeks and massages.

Numero Two-o:  Holy mother of god on an olive.  Where did that come from?