Archive for October, 2014

Motel 6? Really?

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you’re a fire and brimstone preacher in Amarillo, Texas.  I will admit that’s a hard sell because Amarillo, Texas, is where the devil spends his summers.  That’s a true fact.  Look it up.

The preacher

The preacher

So, when you’re trying to scare people in Amarillo, Texas, odds are pretty good that you’re going to get bored.  So, you find things to do.

A pastor at an Amarillo church could face up to six months in prison after getting caught with a prostitute in a Motel 6.

Now don’t judge Cameron Tate Reeves, the 34-year-old pastor at Hillside Christian Church, because he went to Hotel 6.  The Hotel 6 is the garden spot of Amarillo, Texas.  They even have a Presidential suite.


See?  There’s the only 3 trees in Amarillo, Texas.  The Hotel 6 and the Waffle House are historic landmarks in Amarillo, Texas.

Now, if you’re asking what the preacher was doing at the Hotel 6 with a prostitute, I have an answer for you.  He was getting saved again again.

Jesus was saving him.  Here’s what he told his church followers:

Reeves said it was Christ’s love that allowed him to be arrested, the Globe-News reported.

I’m sorry for wounding the heart of Christ … I want to be a faithful son,” the letter read, according to the Globe-News.

Reeves also admitted to having a pornography addiction for the last 25 years in the letter.

Jesus is so nice.  I mean, you go out with a hooker and Jesus calls the police.  You just gotta love Jesus for that.

BTW, Hillside Christian Church is a mega-church with “branches” in Texas and California.  I think you can get a franchise.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My friend Sybil sent me this picture to cut out and put on the front door on Halloween.

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Darrell Issa and Blake Farenthold.  Slick and Slack.  That’ll scare anybody.

Thanks to Sybil for the research!

Fun With Guns: Beginner Edition

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston, Texas.  Man goes to sleep on the couch and a gun falls out of his pants.  The rest of the story goes down in firearm history.

Patrick Sanders, 20, was sleeping on the couch when the gun slipped out of his pants on to the floor in the incident that took place on Saturday in a Houston apartment.

The child then handled the gun and Sanders tried to grab it from the toddler, police said.

“At that time, the gun went off and Sanders was shot in the face. The child was not injured,” Houston Police said in a statement.

Meanwhile, nobody in the United States caught Ebola.

Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.

Please Feel Free To Steal This

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

By John Kwitoski —


Oh Hell Yes, It’s Louie!

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we have the Louie Trifecta today.  Louie has done broke the Dumb-O’-Meter.

First off, I know you’ve seen it in the comments, but here’s a reminder to watch Stephen Colbert singe Louie’s short hairs over gays in the military.

Second off, Louie says that we cannot trust Wendy Davis because … wait for it … she’s been divorced.  Divorced.  You know, unlike like Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Rush Limbaugh …


… Karl Rove, Dan Patrick, Bob Dole, Dick Armey, (have I made my point?)

Of course, they are men.  Men can get divorced.

Third off (I told you he was going for the Wacky Gold, by gawd!), Louie is trying to scam the Federal Elections Commission by taking illegal campaign contributions.


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They warn him …

Although the Commission may take further legal action concerning the acceptance of excessive contributions, your prompt action to refund, redesignate, and/or reattribute the excessive amount will be taken into consideration.

Lemme see, if I robbed a bank and got caught could I get off if I gave it back?  Hell, it’d be worth a couple of tries if that’s true.

So, there you have it, the one day Louie Goof-a-thon!

Thanks to everybody for the heads up!

The Ebola App From Darrell Issa. EBOLA!

October 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Darrell Issa went on Candy Crowley’s show yesterday and touted a smart phone app where you can monitor your temperature so you’ll know if you get The Ebola.

Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 2.47.16 PMReally.

No.  No, there’s not.

The app he held up is for weather temperature.  Last I checked, there’s a difference.  It could be that his committee voted to make it the same for easy and tax-free figuring.  I dunno about that because I get heart palpitations when I watch his rude butt jack with the Constitution so I don’t watch much.

So, yes, there is an app for body temperature.  I downloaded it.  It doesn’t work for crap and comes with this warning —



Entertainment purposes.

So, best I can figure, Darrell Issa is walking around thinking he has a temperature of 66 degrees.

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Thanks to Julie for the heads up.