Archive for October, 2014

Holy Cow, Old Man, Turn Off The Damn Camera

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Billy Joe Turnage is 76 years old and he’s the Republican County Chairman in Union County, Georgia.  He seems to need more to do.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 7.19.27 PMUnion County Sheriff Investigator Staff Sgt. Darren Osborn told the paper that 911 dispatchers received a report of an ongoing “assault and rape” of a 39-year-old female at Turnage’s residence last week.

I suspect this was the  standard “legitimate” Republican rape.  Because it was broadcasted on damn Skype.

Oct. 22, dispatch received a 911 call at approximately 4 p.m. of what was believed to be an assault and rape,” Osborn noted. “It was being viewed via Skype. Deputies responded and I responded as well.”

A Republican broadcasted his attempted rape on Skype.  Hell, I wonder if he planned to put it on You Tube.

Also of note:

The Atlanta Journal Constitution pointed out that a photo of Turnage with GOP Senate candidate David Perdue had not been removed from the Union County Republican Party Facebook page as of Wednesday morning.

Smart move.

Thanks to Texas Ellen for the heads up.

When I Grow Up, I Want To Be Joan Jett

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Here’s the Deal

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ballot Board starts today.  I have a friend approving comments and I will check in on my breaks. Talk amongst yourself and keep it clean.

Meanwhile —-


To Catch a Crook

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get a load of this stuff.

The president and chief executive of a Northern Virginia contractor has resigned after an investigation by the Justice Department determined that “improper gratuities” were paid to a former Defense Department procurement officer, the company said in a statement Monday.

Harry Martin, the longtime chief executive of Intelligent Decisions, an Ashburn-based government services contractor, has stepped down after reporting the incident to the Justice Department, the company said. The violations occurred five years ago, the company said.

Just your average kickback scheme with taxpayer projects.

Until you look a little deeper.  Click the little one to see the big one.  Original document here

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Yep a $25,000 donation to the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Republicans are such fun.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for working double duty today.

Fun With Guns: The Jeep Is Listed In Stable Condition But The House Was DOA Edition

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When 33 year old Nicholas Heyrman heard a rumor that there was an aggressive dog loose in the neighborhood, he went into his house to get his AR15 “to defend his property.”

-heyrman.jpg20141027Heyrman then shot eight rounds at the animal from 32 feet away, missing it each time but hitting a house and a Jeep, according to police.

When neighbors called to report it, the police headed to the house.  Meanwhile, Heyrman called the police dispatcher himself.  He was told to get on his knees in the driveway and put his hands up in the air before the police arrived.

The officer arrived at Heyrman’s to find him, wearing a Packers jersey, kneeling as ordered in his driveway. Heyrman had returned his rifle to the garage prior to the officer’s arrival, the complaint says.

Yeah, if you put the gun away, it never happened.

He was released on a $2,500 bond and was told to get a lawyer.  And a brain.  And some shooting lessons.  And a damn decent shirt.

Thanks to Rick for heads up.

Wait Just a Minute, Louie!

October 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy cow, I know this is going to come as a shock to you because Louie Gohmert is such a fine upstanding Christian human being.  But, doggone it, he’s for damn sale.

Lookie here:

Earlier I told you about Louie accepting illegal campaign contributions and one of the donor is the Texas Spine and Joint Hospital.  Here ya go —

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Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen was nosing around his internet machine this afternoon and found this little tidbit.

Texas Spine and Joint Hospital of Tyler filed a joint lawsuit with Physician Hospitals of America, Thursday.

The lawsuit questions the constitutionality of a specific part of the health care bill. PHA said Section 6001 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act prohibits physician-owned Medicare hospitals from expanding after March 23, 2010.

PHA said new physician-owned Medicare hospitals that are not certified as Medicare providers prior to December 31, 2010 are now banned.

Now, there was a good reason for excluding them.

Texas Spine and Joint Hospital was in the midst of a 22-million dollar expansion when the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, was passed.

It restricted hospitals owned by doctors, who take medicare and Medicaid money, from expanding beyond a certain point.

The feeling is, such facilities have a vested interest in ratcheting up the bill for treatment.

As you know, “Ratcheting up the bill” is actually a plank in the Republican Party platform.  Republicans are real good at ratcheting.

LouieGohmert_Hole_1aNow even though Louie hates Obamacare, he’s willing to go to bat for his donors to get their share of Obamacare.  Yeah, there’s money on the table and even though that money is going to cause the downfall of America and the end of civilization as we know it, Louie wants his friends to get their hands on that money on the table!

So, Louie signs on as a cosponsor of the some legislation that would encourage ratcheting up.

We have no idea how many letters and pestering Louie did to help these poor pitiful ratcheting doctors.

You know, a couple of illegal campaign contributions is a bargain to get your hands on Obamacare funds.

So, if you go to the Texas Bone and Joint Clinic, just be aware that part of your bill will include the care and feeding of Louie Gohmert.

Thank you, Alfredo, for the heads up.