If Democrats Are That Clever, How Come We Don’t Have a Majority in the House?
Conspiracy Central is all a’tingling over Nurse Kaci Hickox who was quarantined in New Jersey after having been in Africa. Republicans, who tell us that they are all about liberty and freedom, saw nothing wrong with holding her in a tent against her will even though she showed no symptoms of a disease.
I, for one, am not willing to give Chris Christy to right to imprison people according to his whim. Neither was Kaci.
But, here’s what the media is not telling you. Get ready for this because it may upset your American sensitivities.
It turns out that Kaci Hickox is a registered democrat and Obama supporter who works for the CDC. “The nurse currently quarantined in New Jersey is an employee for the Centers for Disease Control and a registered Democrat with a history of left-wing advocacy,” reports GotNews.com
There you have it. She’s a Democrat and works for the CDC. That right there is proof that we used her too set up Chris Christy and make him look bad. And, to oppose state-mandated quarantines.
The timing of Hickox’s quarantine, her ties with the party in power at the White House, the deliberate hiding of her ties to the CDC and the scrubbing of her LinkedIn.com profile all raise legitimate suspicion that her quarantine complaints have all been staged as a P.R. stunt to promote opposition to state-level Ebola quarantine efforts.
Y’all, if we were capable of that, we’d have control of congress. And we’d get rid of Antonin Scalia and put Elizabeth Warren on the court. And Rush Limbaugh would explode on air and leave shards of blubber over a five state area. And we’d start a new space exploration program to have a place to send tea party members. And we’d make Louie Gohmert the Republican spokesman. And Sarah Palin would run for Vice President. Oh wait. We did do that.
Thanks to RM for the heads up.