Archive for September, 2014

Do You Mean That Oklahoma ISN’T Doing That Now?

September 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ken Yazel is a colorful figure in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  That apparently does not take much doing because it’s … well, Oklahoma.

So Ken was elected by 62% of the vote as Tulsa County Tax Assessor.  He was at a meeting on how they were going to fund a new jail and Yazel had himself a dandy idea.  Back in the 1970’s the Los Angeles Police Chief suggested that airplane hijackers “be arrested and immediately hanged at the airport with due process of law.”

Even though that comment earned the police chief the title of Crazy Ed, Yazel remembered it and has been saving it to use until right damn now.

UnknownYazel, 69, said Tuesday that he was not advocating public hangings but also did not back away from the statement.
“The bad guys are committing a crime and then getting out and committing it again,” he said.

“You hang them in the public square. Then they won’t do it again. Neither will some of their friends watching.”

Yazel said his remarks Monday were made after a long discussion regarding scheduling of jury trials, jail overcrowding and its associated costs, and ways to reduce crime.

“They were arguing about how to fund or not fund the jail,” Yazel said. “The point is you’re either going to have to lock them up or do something to stop this high crime rate. I want speedy justice and swiftness so we don’t have to arrest them again.”

Well, it certainly works for Isis.  Gotta work for Oklahoma.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

Ann Romney Still Measuring for Drapes in the White House

September 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh please, sweet motherlode of luck, Ann is hinting that Mitt might run again.  So if Jeb doesn’t run, Mitt might?  Cool.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.


The Texas Yachtsman Introduces a Bill

September 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

West Texas Republican Congressman Randy Neugebauer, who lives in the desert and bought a damn yacht with his campaign contributions, has up and decided to screw the poor because, you know, freedom.

Randy_NeugebauerA new bill from Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s Housing and Insurance Subcommittee, would raise rents on some of the nation’s poorest families. The bill apparently intends the rent increases to balance the possible cost of allowing the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to lower rents for families with somewhat higher incomes. The rent increases could cause hardship — and even homelessness — for vulnerable families.

Dandy Randy is very interested in helping people with money because poor people don’t see the value in giving him money to buy … oh, say, a freekin’ yacht!

Thanks to Don A. for the heads up.

Holy Trash Talk – UPDATED

September 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

UPDATED:  I guess that Republicans have had ironyectomies to go with their humorectomies.  There have been 4 more emails with the “c” word featured repeatedly. In those same emails they add that we have no class because, you know, calling women the c word is so damn classy.  One of them is coming from the Czech Republic by a guy who claims to be Canadian.  So, that happened.


Okay, I guess our picture of Amanda made the Rush Limbaugh show or something because we are suddenly being inundated by some rather harsh emails.

We took a vote a year ago and decided that this was not going to be a debating society and we are not going to feed the trolls.

I couldn’t post most of these comments even if I wanted to because Momma would whack me upside the head.  Seventy percent of the emails complain that we are not classy and they other thirty percent use words demeaning to women, including the “c” word.  Yes, that “c” word and by “c” word, I do not mean classy.

One charmingly amusing one was a woman who submitted five comments complaining that I was “censoring” her by not letting her and her fake email address post.  Note the times on these three of her comments.  Click the little one to get the big one.



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Her ip address comes back to Raleigh, North Carolina.  Odd, because I was betting on Alabama.

We were also called “Libtardos”  by Michael Moore.

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Hello, Louisville, Kentucky.

Just thought you’d want to know.


Yeah, Yeah, Blame C-Span, Nooter.

September 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt Gingrich.  Dear Lord, I can hardly even say that name without breaking out in giggles.

Newt, for some damn reason, though President Obama said that our pilots have the “courtesy” to do these bombings.

Newt took to the Twitter this morning to berate our President for crazy talk.


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Yeah, yeah.  It sounded so nice that he tweeted it twice.

Oops.  Never mind.

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Thanks to the kids at TPM for the heads up.

May I Have This Dance?

September 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a break today.