Archive for September, 2014

Howie’s Humorectomy

September 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Howard Kurtz is one of everybody’s favorite people to mock.  Wanna know why?  ‘Cuz it drives him nuts.

howard-kurtz-headshotHowie is a Fox News media critic (crazy, right?) who can dish it out but he can’t take it.

After Colbert teased him over Howie’s preoccupation with Hillary Cinton’s age, Howie puffed himself up about the size of Del Rio and blurted …

“It’s about time someone took on Stephen Colbert,” wrote Kurtz. “This guy—a fake anchor if ever there was one—has been maligning hard-working journalists for too long. Journalists like me.”

Stephen Colbert?  Fake anchor?  Damn, when did that happen and why wasn’t I notified?  After all, I am a hard-working professional journalist myself.  I should be on their listserve.  I should know these things.  Damn, I am important.  I deserve unquestioning respect.

And in a moment of spitfire rocket-fueled hypocrisy, Howie says that Colbert has “a protective cloak as a pompous blowhard.”  And good golly if anyone would know about that ….


Fun With Guns: And Next Week He’ll Let The Boy Enjoy Sex and Booze At Home

September 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What a better way to enjoy guns than to let your 7 year old have target practice in the backyard on a damn homemade target!

Despite the fact that no one noticed any ricochets and the guns were always pointed down-range, the 7-year-old at one point grabbed his chest and complained of pain, deputies said.

The boy’s father checked the son and noticed the child’s T-shirt had a small hole in it, where he was bleeding from his chest.

A preliminary investigation shows pieces of a bullet did indeed ricochet, hitting the child, investigators told KCRA 3.

The child will be okay but will probably never forget the time Dad didn’t understand how guns work.


Fun With Guns: Labor Day Edition

September 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In Detroit a 73 year man got grumpy over a dentist bill so he pulled a gun on the dentist and his assistant.

According to police, the man drew a pistol and threatened the dentist when another employee grabbed the gun. The employee and others in the office helped subdue the man, but during the struggle, the gun went off.

No injuries were reported.

But, that’s just the beginning.

Meanwhile, in Orlando, two friends were at the Shoot Straight Gun Range and didn’t.  One of them jammed his 9 mm semi automatic Smith and Wesson and the other one tried to help.  The helper shot himself in the finger and his friend in the thigh.

Quote of the day —

“One of them, I guess, thought he could teach the other he could shoot,” [police sergeant Mark] Stein said.

Obviously neither could.

Thanks to Carl and Brian of the heads up.



Presidential Candidate Oops

September 01, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know it’s become trite to say “Oops” everydamntime that Rick Perry’s name is mentioned, but the reason it’s become trite is because he’s The Oopsy Candidate.  He Oops for a living.  It was his college major.  He’s an Oops machine set on overdrive during an Oops storm in Oppsville during the month of Oopstober.

Take for example his recent rough and ready decision to send the Texas National Guard to South Texas.  Two weeks later, fifty guard members show up at food banks because Rick Perry forgot that they don’t get paid until September 5th.  Oops.  They also had to beg gas money to get from their living quarters to their duty station.  Oops.

Sweet Jesus in heaven above, do not let this man be commander in chief. We’d have troops landing on the beach in Normandy with no pants on.

And today we add another to the list.  Perry tweeted a Photoshopped picture of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmburg, claiming that she indicted him.  This tweet did come from the one that his staff writes.  It was his own personal Twitter account.


Stay classy, Rick.

The Houston Chronicle  pointed out —

Lehmberg did not indict Perry. She and other officials in solidly Democratic Travis County recused themselves from the case against Perry. Bert Richardson, a Republican judge from Bexar County, appointed San Antonio lawyer Michael McCrum to serve as a special prosecutor.

An hour later, Perry tweeted again.

Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 10.06.53 AM



It was your personal Twitter account, Skippy.

Sometimes I think that Rick Perry was shot out of a cannon and missed the net.

Additionally, being “the most drunk Democrat in Texas” is a hotly contested title.  I think they retired the jersey when Sam Houston died.  They say he was the best politician in Texas drunk or sober.

Does Rick Perry really want to talk about drunk?

Yeah, right.