Archive for September, 2014

Well, Let’s Keep Our Priorities Straight, Dammit!

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Headline —

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Yes, the football team.  The damn football team.

gregabbottThe guy won’t debate her but questions her loyalty to the Dallas Cowboy football team as a qualification to be Governor?

So, here’s the deal.  Wendy Davis went on a sports talk radio show and then this happened.

Abbott’s gubernatorial campaign sent out an email after the morning show noting that Davis said on air that she has been a longtime supporter of the Cowboys.

“I grew up cheering for the Cowboys and I haven’t stopped ever since,” Davis said on the show. “And I’ll be cheering for them again this year.”

But Abbott’s campaign questioned her football loyalties, pointing to a Vogue interview last year with one of Davis’s daughters who said she and her mother are both “big” fans of the Patriots. And they noted that Davis once posted “Go Pats!” on Facebook.

No, seriously.  I guess this was before the Cowboys hired Michael Sam.  Or else Greg Abbott has had an awakening on gay rights, which is about as likely as Dallas playing in the Superbowl this year.

I wonder if Leticia is a Texans fan?

By the way, former Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith donated $10,000 to Wendy Davis’ campaign.

Not Political

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is not political.  It’s one of those Oh Dear Lord, Woman, Get Yourself Some Professional Help things.

Since this is, after all, a professional beauty salon, I will comment.

A woman in Arkansas is accused of shoplifting some eye shadow.  And by “some,” I mean $144 in eye shadow.


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I have not purchased $144 worth of eye shadow in my entire life.  But, then again, I am not Little Miss Rainbow.


Practice Up, Rick Perry, Practice Up.

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A jury has found Bob McDonnell guilty.

The former first couple openly sobbed in the Richmond, Virginia, courtroom as the guilty verdicts came in.


The Paradox Shop

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.  The Valois family in Maryland decided to open an indoor / outdoor shooting range at the base of Sugarloaf Mountain.  As you would expect, their neighbors were not too excited about that.  Outdoor shooting ranges tend to get a little out of control sometime.

range_photo_aThe family withdrew the plan when opposition got hot and heavy, especially among gun owners.  They were appalled, appalled I tell you, that —

But Valois also said the family has been subjected to “character attacks, protests and physical violence.” On Monday, she said, a weapon was fired “in the direction of our driveway while our children were swimming.” Valois said a report was filed with the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office.

Uh, see, that’s what the neighbors were worried about with your proposed two outdoor shooting ranges within 15 acres.  I mean, it’s not like somebody came by in a Prius and littered your yard with old George McGovern campaign posters.  The people you need to be afraid of are those with guns but you want people with guns to come shoot around people with guns who will shoot people with …. it’s just a mess.

Here’s the clicker.

The plan called for two outdoor shooting ranges and one indoor range, open to the public and also catering to law enforcement agencies. The proposal included a 30-foot tower for police sniper training, courses in gun use, gun safety and wilderness survival, and meditation and yoga therapy for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress.

Wait!  Wait!  Do you even know what post-traumatic stress is and how you catch it?  Wait.  Wait.  Do you understand that triggers have a double meaning here?

Sniper training and yoga therapy.  Your one-stop-paradox-shop.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

And Speaking of Fair Wages …

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressman Steve Stockman is a scary version of Louie Gohmert but, thanks be to God, he will not be returning to congress next year.

Steve_Stockman_official_portraitHowever, it’s difficult to just let him go peacefully into the night when he puts ads on the official Republican hiring website for an unpaid intern position that will last through the end of the year.  It appears he needs to train people to be arrogant, snot-nosed, haughty youngsters with no safe grip on reality.

Click the little ones to see the big one.

Here is a typical ad for a Republican House intern position.

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And here is Stockman’s …

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The Tea Party – they are much better Americans and people than you are.

Vaya con Reality, Stockman.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.



‘Cuz It’s Uhmerka

September 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do not eat fast food.  Got it?

Fast food workers have walked off their jobs today in 150 cities to demand living wages.  And they are being arrested.

Thelma Lou made herself a tee-shirt yesterday that says, “I support $15 an hour” and went down to McDonald’s to support the workers in the solidarity of a fair wage for a fair day’s work.  Sadly, she made the mistake of wearing it to the VFW bingo night and a line formed of men with $15 in one hand and Viagra in the other.

Support raising the minimum wage to a living wage.  You’ll be a better person for it.