There are days when I just hate Republicans. Seriously. Hate them. I know it’s wrong but, dammit, they just stir up my ire and fry it on a stovetop in cheap grease.
Okay, so Wendy Davis tells a tragic story of losing a child due to a severe brain abnormality.
After getting several medical opinions and feeling the baby they had named Tate Elise “tremble violently, as if someone were applying an electric shock to her” in the womb, she said the decision was clear.
“She was suffering,” Davis wrote.
The unborn baby’s heart was “quieted” by her doctor, and their baby was gone. She was delivered by cesarean section in spring 1997, the memoir says.
Davis wrote that she and her then-husband, Jeff, spent time with Tate the next day and had her baptized. They cried, took photographs and said their good-byes, she wrote, and Tate’s lifeless body was taken away the following day.
Sadly, Davis’ story is a familiar one to far too many women who have made decisions that no mother should have to make. In Republican Red Texas, politicians, mostly male like the entire Republican statewide ticket, would make that decision for them.
And some of those men are total nincompoops.
Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak accused the campaign of using Davis’ story to promote abortion, a move he called “sickening” and “subhuman,” and he noted that the media attention would “impact book sales and also pay dividends for the campaign.”
He later apologized for saying subhuman after people looked at him with the letters W.T.F. on their faces, but he let the “sickening” part stand. Yes, it is sickening — to women faced with those choices. Not to you, Skippy.
I, for one, will not be shamed by a Texas political party who has not one – even one! – woman on their statewide ticket. They have shown what they think about me and ta-tas. They can kiss my big blue sickening butt.