Archive for August, 2014

How ‘Bout Them Apples!

August 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, recently indicted on two felony counts does not have to interrupt his presidential campaign to come home to Texas to be booked.  Isn’t that special?

AUSTIN, Texas – A judge has decided not to issue an arrest warrant for Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a court official said Monday, meaning the Republican can continue traveling the country and gearing up for a possible 2016 presidential run despite being indicted on two felony counts of abuse of power.

Judge Bert Richardson says that Rick Perry will get a summons to appear instead.   It has not been issued yet.

It won’t be until Perry’s defense attorney and the state set a date for him to appear in court.

And it’s unclear whether or not he will ever have to be booked and have a mug shot taken.

Tom DeLay was booked and the taxpayers of the state of Texas weren’t even paying for his lawyer, like we are for Rick Perry.  So, this special privilege will cost the taxpayers money.

Who is the Judge Bert Richardson giving special permissions to Rick?  He’s a district court judge currently the Republican nominee for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.  Yep, currying favor can’t hurt.

The Democrats are running John Granberg against him.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.


August 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s really hard for me to write about Ferguson.  First, there’s nothing the slightest bit funny about what is happening there.

Second, I know I am a white privilege mother so while I can feel empathy and outrage, I will never know the depth of fear that my black friends wake up to every day.

Third, short of giving democracy to Missouri I do not have any suggestions to keep this from exploding.

A young man was shot six times.  The autopsy looks like – I am certainly no expert – he probably had his hands in the air.  The simple fact that the police officer was protected by his chief indicates to me that something wasn’t right.

True story:  the first time a met a Texas Ranger, the legendary Texas lawmen not the baseball team, I was wearing a gorgeous hand loomed sarape from interior Mexico.  It was one of my prize possessions because of its beauty and utility in Houston winters.  The Ranger, meeting me for the first time, said to me, “Don’t you know not to wear a poncho around a Texas Ranger?”  I asked why.  “Because that’s what we take target practice on. Har. Har. Har.”  My stomach turned.  It was a life-altering moment.

That’s not funny.  Not at all.  And the reason it’s not funny is that there is too much truth in it.  Twenty-five years later, I met the first black female Texas Ranger.  I asked her if I could hug her.  I didn’t tell her why but I think she saw it in my eyes.  She hugged me.

I am in pain over Ferguson.  We’ve fought this crap for my entire life and we still haven’t won.

I still have some fight left in me.  I do.


Here, Have a Seat

August 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Sheila noticed something I missed.

Over at “Red State Women,” they have a symbol.

It’s a chair.  A red chair.

Screen Shot 2014-08-18 at 8.54.55 AM


When they have famous Republican women to display on their website, the women are seated in a red chair.

You know, like “sit down and shuddup.”

On the other hand, if you run a Google search for “Stand Up For Women’s Rights” you get 53.4 million results – all of them from progressive women.

There ya go.

Thanks to Sheila for the heads up.


Just a Heads Up About Rick Perry. UPDATED

August 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you want to know the background and the current thinking on the Rick Perry indictment, the best explanation I’ve seen so far is James Moore.

Jim really sums it up nicely and puts a bow on top, predicting Perry will be convicted.

Perry is accused of using his veto authority to coerce a publicly elected official into leaving office. And when the veto threat, and later the actual exercise of the veto didn’t work, he may have tried a bit of bribery, which is why he is facing criminal charges.

Not because he exercised his constitutional veto authority.

Read it all and be smart.

UPDATE:  Jim will be on Hardball ‘splainin’ all this at 6:30 Texas time.  MSNBC.  Check it out.


I Have To Move, Y’all

August 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The front yard of one of my neighbors.



I live in a city that is 56% Hispanic.  An old white rich Republican couple live in this house.

Does anyone know where I can get a competing signs that says, “Jesus loves the little children”?


Thank You, Bryan Fischer

August 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bryan Fischer is the Director of the American Family Association, a rightwing hate group.  He learned to tweet.



What? Lesbians can’t indict gays?

Below is a picture of Michael McCrum, the Republican special prosecutor who indicted Perry.  Apparently, he’s a damn good lesbian.


I absolutely did not know that he’s a lesbian.  Imagine how stoopid I feel.

Thanks to Laura for the heads up.